Saturday, 31 March 2012

The Hunt For Lapis Lazuli - The Tale of Ravine Deception.

I'm pleased to say that I have picked up work on my 1.9.5 world! My modern home in a mountain.

At the moment I really want to get the bathroom done but finding enough Lapis to finish the bathroom as it is, is a big job. Don't forget it takes 9 Lapis just for one block, and even a small bathroom such as this means it's a lengthy process.

So this is the bathroom as it is, not much to look at right now. For the border of Lapis - all the way around i decided it was time to go mining, so I went to the local mine just across the way from the house. After digging steps down until bedrock, then creating branches at level 14 I began the tunnel branches within. I'd only got a good length down my first branch, clearing a 3 block height (x1 width) tunnel when one block I dig out spewed water on top of my head. A bit annoying, but when I traveled past it I came across this:

First branch and I hit a ravine! A very strange one it is as well with tonnes of water falling from above making a big patch of it very hard to move about in, especially as it's near lava. It must be actually under an ocean for that much water coming down. here's a later pic better lit up:

I tweaked the FOV (Field of view) for this shot so you could see where the water is coming from - that large hole at the top, which must be under an ocean. I found some gold, lots and lots of Iron naturally, about 24 Lapis, no diamonds. Then disaster struck. I was following a small nook that led of somewhere and I could see lava behind this column of gravel that was in my way, so I removed the gravel.. next thing I know I had lava drop on my head from above - instakill. I lost everything. Within the next 5 minutes of silent rage as I made my way back - nothing was left, all incinerated by the lava.

After investigating the ravine, (It wasn't very extensive), I when back to the start of the branch and dug in the direct opposite direction.. At the end of this branch, I um...

Um yeah, another ravine. I was confused for a long while and though i'd run into the same ravine as they were so similar, but thought - "That's impossible" because a ravine can't run back round on itself. I kept travelling from one ravine down both branches to the other ravine. They are two ravines, because one is underwater and has a huge great waterfall come down it - the other doesn't. Occasionally squid come down to the bottom where the one with the giant waterfall comes down, either they strand themselves or end up killing themselves.

Whilst making this post, I went back there and traveled up the giant waterfall, to give you an idea where it comes out at, here:

You can just about see my mountain home in the distance in the very middle of the picture, under the right field of view of that tall tree in the center. The mine is far left out of shot in the hills. I did manage to get the same amount of Lapis back after exploring, and more, which is how we got to the first picture in today's blog, but it's going to take a long while to finish these walls. There is the other mine I have as well which is out in the middle of nowhere. A branch mind started in a big patch of stone found at ground level whilst flying around.

In other news I have also made a bit of a change to this corridor outside the bathroom:

As you can see there's a new door on the right! Basically I decided to make an enchantment room. I looked downstairs and there was nowhere I could really put it (Although I guess I could've dug down), so I saw this section of corridor and wondered how much mountain I had left behind the wall. After digging in I found I could easily fit a room there:

It is a small room with a floor space of 7 x7, but i don't need a huge room for it. I could dig further back and sideways, but there's no need. The plan is to deck it out in bookcases - everywhere! even the floor - those aren't wooden planks, they're bookcases! I'm going for maximum potential here!

In the meantime I need to check out the fanver version of the texture pack - Soartex and see if they've updated it as there are still alot of things that need fixing so I can use it and not the original Soartex texture pack as I am right now.

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