Monday, 4 February 2013

The HUGE 2 Month Gap Post!

Apologies for not posting in the last two months, hopefully this one will thrust me back into the swing of things! Unfortunately I had a lot going on in real-life in December, and I only had 1 draft ready to post in January; too much real-life stuff going on. So although I've only been playing very off/on here's what I've been up to!

In December I was on my creative version of world#2, and I was thinking about moving my Nether portal. (Not the first time I've had this idea.) Since the Snow Golem farm fail down by my mob area, I had been thinking about using the room for a different area. So on this tester world, I built  a lead up to the Nether portal in the next room, which is a long walk-way of nether -brick surrounded by flaming netherrack. A long walkway up to some netherbrick stairs and the portal is just round the corner, it's a much better area. and I think I come out somewhere different  in the nether, not far from where it was but slightly different.

When I went through, I was not expecting this:

Since when did bats spawn in the Nether?! My original theory was they spawned in the cave and went through, but as it was rebuilt there wouldn't have been time for that many to go through.. (Unless it was in the time up to that?) They definitely were not there last time I went to the Nether!! POST UPDATE: Since I made the draft for this post i have decided to place it in another location, even further so I get a bit of a different spawn in the Nether.

Phase #1 of the underwater tunnel was almost completed before the new year. The initial glass tunnel is all done, all I have to do now is a bit of decorating and laying down the rest of the rails. Phase #2 has begun which sees the tunnel continue underground from the church all the way round to Mount DOOOOoooom(!) and beyond.

This is not THE big news though.

I have now decided I need to up my game and have installed Mo'creatures for constant use in all worlds.

One good thing is I can turn Enderman down to 0 frequency, they may be easy to kill but they have always p***ed me off with their block stealing. In it's place though, there will be things like the undead horse mobs, ogres, werewolves, wraiths and plenty more to make up for it. It does mean I also have to be a lot more careful in my worlds now! No matter what hard level I play on! I've already had to do a couple of repairs. The last thing I want is an ogre smashing up my place, I might legit cry if that happened. I'll probably have to wait for 1.5 before I can update again, but so be it. I'll look forward to that as I will be resetting my Nether - again, (4th time?) so I can get the new Nether with the Nether Quartz - which I love! Already on my creative copy of this world I have transformed my bathroom into a marble haven!

Speaking of the marble/Nether Quartz, I also experimented in the creative copy with the new blocks related to this new ore and the daylight sensors to create a light that comes on when it turns night time. I created two versions, the standard version:

The second version is little a "Little Man", I call it the Ayatollah:


Surprisingly I have picked this world back up recently as well. Not a great deal has changed on the inside, but I do now have a minuscule carrot farm after obtaining one from a zombie. On the outside however, I have create a multi-storey animal farm with sheep, pigs, chickens and at the top, cows.

Today, now that I use Mo' creatures I did have the bunnies in place of where the sheep were, but after the initial few, I had nowhere to put them. This is why they ended up in with the sheep. Trouble was there were little window slots and they kept escaping so I had to border them up until I could replace them with glass! Then, every time I put one back, two more would escape! Every time I went to put one or two in, a few would come towards the gate, in the process I was so concerned for the rabbits; (All named after Watership Down characters) that all the sheep escaped! In the end I let them all run free because it was too much hassle getting them to stayin there. So that's why there are fewer sheep in there. Also a wolf spawned in there before all that and ate some before I killed him.

There's probably load more news, but I wanted to get something up; something posted today. Hopefully more news soon.

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