Tuesday, 26 April 2011


So I returned to my first Alpha world (World1), with the sky-bridges to have a little look around again, and I got distracted on this world! I decided to take a boat trip and do a little exploring, look for new chunks etc. I initially did this because I saw what I thought I was clay out in the middle of the sea. Literally 1 block on it's own surrounded by no other visible blocks on the surface, just visible on the surface. Well, I was right. Not only that but I ended up finding 6 & 3/4 stacks of clay! And I knew exactly where and what I was going to do with it. In my underground city/home , you might remember this room as one of my favourite future rooms on level 5:

Well, I decided to make that pillar the brick, especially as I had just changed the brick on painterly. This opened up ideas for the rest of the room with 2 feature walls (Painterly cookie dough clay blocks) and two sand walls with a wooden floor:

Big difference eh?! I know I need to so something about the ceiling still but this is what started my distraction on this world from a look around/explore to fixing up some of the old areas at last. I even redecorated the immediate outside of the room and built up the rest of the clay walls by the stairs down to this room, (Otherwise a 1/2 or 3/4 wall of clay blocks would've looked weird), for a proper access - not just walk down the stairs and there it is. It now has a wall and door there.

The second find was a... not so much hill, not even a mountain, more of a lump of grass on the sand. I hollowed it out for a temporary overnight Hobbit home. In the morning I found a large sand biome that would sustain any future endeavorers using glass, sand or sandstone for life:

This picture does not do the size of it justice.

So yeah, I got carried away in this world, I fixed the bottom of the stairs between level 4 and 5 so you don't immediately have to fall down the stair hole, or be wary of it when coming down to 4 on the way to five. This also resulted in a new corridor for that bit and I ended up cobbling out the upper section of leevel 4 that the viewing area looks over:

No more walking down into the hole of the next stairwell, at least you can go round now.



Just because these walls are cobblestone however, does not mean they will stay that way.

I also begun raising the ceiling for the "Nice room" on level 3, despite it being a big undertaking. The problem was, the uneven ceiling overhung, so when you looked out the viewing room above you had smoothstone in the way - which was unsightly for the view and in he way. I'll need to raise the sandstone walls and columns but that won't be a problem now I don't have to worry about sand.

When I get enough brown wool, I'll probably replace the dirt in the floor as well. Will I continue this now I've started it again? Time will tell..

For a full reminder of the floors to the the underground city/home, see: Here

Back on my main Alpha world meantime, the mountain home/base, I went exploring in a cave located a few hills past the swimming pool. It was one of the more newer caves and I managed to replenish my gold I lost and all the iron ingots/Iron ore I lost and even managed to score 6 diamonds to give me a diamond: sword, pick and shovel. Just one more and I could've had an axe.. Subsequently I l have lost almost these from boating to another opposite island returning at night, again. Due to this, I decided I was tired of losing boats, and stuff and began building another bridge, this time out of Netherrack. After a fall however I swan back to the shore and got shanghaied by Skeletons. It's very hard to see your stuff underwater. I managed to get my diamond pick back but lost my diamond sword and shovel. I did get some new doggie friends also, due to which I removed the cacti from out the front in case I want to go walkies with them. Something I had considered doing with the cacti for a while. They're all replanted further back behind the wishing well & park, where it's more dark - great for collecting at first light from the mobs!

Can't think of anything else, found a dungeon in that cave though and got a green disc in the chest! Nice music. A dug out room a little way down the stairs from the portal room now serves as a spawn room as well. After the bed glitch, I couldn't figure out why it still wouldn't work with doors, mountain all around it and spamming it with torches - it still wouldn't work! I kept spawning two mountains away from my home -very annoying. Seems two thick walls IS essential and there was one wall that didn't meet this so when I finally cottoned on, I bricked it up with cobble and now it works like a dream.

Guess I can fill that trench in two mountains away - already for another portal, the main reason for going to the cave in the first place to get diamond to get obsidian.

The irony.

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Light changes..

 So as I plan a build (On my creative copy) for the horrible chunk error wall next tot the hotel at the Chunk Plaza development, i've be...

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