Tuesday, 26 April 2011


So I returned to my first Alpha world (World1), with the sky-bridges to have a little look around again, and I got distracted on this world! I decided to take a boat trip and do a little exploring, look for new chunks etc. I initially did this because I saw what I thought I was clay out in the middle of the sea. Literally 1 block on it's own surrounded by no other visible blocks on the surface, just visible on the surface. Well, I was right. Not only that but I ended up finding 6 & 3/4 stacks of clay! And I knew exactly where and what I was going to do with it. In my underground city/home , you might remember this room as one of my favourite future rooms on level 5:

Well, I decided to make that pillar the brick, especially as I had just changed the brick on painterly. This opened up ideas for the rest of the room with 2 feature walls (Painterly cookie dough clay blocks) and two sand walls with a wooden floor:

Big difference eh?! I know I need to so something about the ceiling still but this is what started my distraction on this world from a look around/explore to fixing up some of the old areas at last. I even redecorated the immediate outside of the room and built up the rest of the clay walls by the stairs down to this room, (Otherwise a 1/2 or 3/4 wall of clay blocks would've looked weird), for a proper access - not just walk down the stairs and there it is. It now has a wall and door there.

The second find was a... not so much hill, not even a mountain, more of a lump of grass on the sand. I hollowed it out for a temporary overnight Hobbit home. In the morning I found a large sand biome that would sustain any future endeavorers using glass, sand or sandstone for life:

This picture does not do the size of it justice.

So yeah, I got carried away in this world, I fixed the bottom of the stairs between level 4 and 5 so you don't immediately have to fall down the stair hole, or be wary of it when coming down to 4 on the way to five. This also resulted in a new corridor for that bit and I ended up cobbling out the upper section of leevel 4 that the viewing area looks over:

No more walking down into the hole of the next stairwell, at least you can go round now.



Just because these walls are cobblestone however, does not mean they will stay that way.

I also begun raising the ceiling for the "Nice room" on level 3, despite it being a big undertaking. The problem was, the uneven ceiling overhung, so when you looked out the viewing room above you had smoothstone in the way - which was unsightly for the view and in he way. I'll need to raise the sandstone walls and columns but that won't be a problem now I don't have to worry about sand.

When I get enough brown wool, I'll probably replace the dirt in the floor as well. Will I continue this now I've started it again? Time will tell..

For a full reminder of the floors to the the underground city/home, see: Here

Back on my main Alpha world meantime, the mountain home/base, I went exploring in a cave located a few hills past the swimming pool. It was one of the more newer caves and I managed to replenish my gold I lost and all the iron ingots/Iron ore I lost and even managed to score 6 diamonds to give me a diamond: sword, pick and shovel. Just one more and I could've had an axe.. Subsequently I l have lost almost these from boating to another opposite island returning at night, again. Due to this, I decided I was tired of losing boats, and stuff and began building another bridge, this time out of Netherrack. After a fall however I swan back to the shore and got shanghaied by Skeletons. It's very hard to see your stuff underwater. I managed to get my diamond pick back but lost my diamond sword and shovel. I did get some new doggie friends also, due to which I removed the cacti from out the front in case I want to go walkies with them. Something I had considered doing with the cacti for a while. They're all replanted further back behind the wishing well & park, where it's more dark - great for collecting at first light from the mobs!

Can't think of anything else, found a dungeon in that cave though and got a green disc in the chest! Nice music. A dug out room a little way down the stairs from the portal room now serves as a spawn room as well. After the bed glitch, I couldn't figure out why it still wouldn't work with doors, mountain all around it and spamming it with torches - it still wouldn't work! I kept spawning two mountains away from my home -very annoying. Seems two thick walls IS essential and there was one wall that didn't meet this so when I finally cottoned on, I bricked it up with cobble and now it works like a dream.

Guess I can fill that trench in two mountains away - already for another portal, the main reason for going to the cave in the first place to get diamond to get obsidian.

The irony.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Fire! (Plus, large Gallery Coming)

So I was in my Alpha Mountain home, pissing about with the front entrance again, when I had a small accident. With the slightly changed front entrance, It bugged me that the overhang of cobble on both the window behind the lava and over the front door were at different levels. (OCD again!) I began correcting this but must have removed a vital block as the lava fall somehow reached across to my wool ceiling inside:

Thankfully, thankully(!), that sandstone support at the center top of the picture stopped it spreading, otherwise I would have lost the entire roof! It's easy correctable and has as already been seen to but it's just as well it happened as what I planned after. For this old Alpha world, world2 (And later my other worlds) I am making a full gallery for the Message Board which will be updated all the time with changes. Because of the number of pictures, this gallery will only be  posted on the message board.

This will be the most full gallery ever, of this world. Every room covered. I spent a Minecraft day, just going round taking pictures of what I thought looked good. It will have the lesser seen portal room, the completed doghouse outside (Now has glass.), shots show the improved front entrance with the new birch trees all around the place replacing the old trees (Just inside the perimeter.) and much more. I've just got to make the folder and rename the screenshots to their usual type filenames before mass uploading them. My Photobucket account only ever seems to have Minecraft screenshots these days. I'll probably do that this morning.

I'm also doing a halfway house, as where the world was deleted a second time, the route to the old spawn point/graveyard is now encased in water. In other words, there's an ocean where it once was. I finally got round to removing the dirt beans to that place last night - them being three blocks of dirt up from the ground with a torch to mark them as a map marker/beacon. They're obsolete and not needed now. Anywho, one the way back I once again see one of those places that has the side of the mountain completely flat. Only this has three flat sides of a mountain down to the sand floor/water pool. I have been looking at it lately and keep thinking it'd be a good place for a stop point ior... to have something in that slot. So a half-way house it is:

The beginnings of that roof, the wood floor and the row of cobble - all at the front is the only things I've had to add.

Not done any more to the fishing area/Captain's quarter's in my Beta world, world3 yet. It is the weekend however so I have 4 full days to do plenty. Doctor Who pending, must watch the new Doctor Who series this weekend.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Mega Post II

So this was meant to be a small post about how I was having a small break from my old alpha world - world2, (Yeah, that didn't last long with 1.5), and how I returned to the docks on my Beta world on World3, but I never got round to posting that. Maybe it's just as well as I was idly going about things. Since then 1.5 (and subsequently the patch 1.5_01), has been released, so I have too much to post now!

So yeah I was having a small break from my Alpha world, world2, and the changing rooms by the swimming pool. Whilst on the break, I returned to my Beta world and the docks. I did flatten the new shops I started to create. They were too flat looking at the front and there wasn't enough room to build there really. I t would have spoiled the landscape building up the land with dirt that high to build them. I have also decided - not, to go ahead with the hotel. I don't think it's really needed for a docks and a fishing port. In it's place will be where the shops can be found. I'm still trying to decide the look however. I have begun the captains quarters however and was very inspired by this picture:

I really like this place! So I've decided to build something similar, the frame is currently being built and what I shall be continuing with for a while:

Minecraft 1.5
Released with different tree saplings, power boosters for rail, achievements and weather, which not only sees the return of snow, but rain, thunder and lightning! The last I have been dead excited for! After doing a few achievements on my Alpha world, I made a new world to fulfill some of the other ones, just a temporary one though, and not one I've kept. It was in this world I got my first taste of rain - and it absolutely pissed down! I wandered for a while to a snow biome as I was desperate to see falling snow again, oh how I have missed it! After a bit of an explore I went back to my Beta world and was wandering back from the docks when I about a dozen - or just under, wolves! I nearly jizzed. With 17 bones on me and only managed to tame 5 as the last one was a greedy little bastard who took at least several bones to tame. I think I've got 14/15 in that world now. Back on World 2, the Alpha mountain base/home, I attempted to ride a pig off a cliff! Silly pigs, they're so stupid, so close to the edge then turning the opposite way. Believe it or not I had never ridden a pig until then. It just never appealed to me. Now I realise just how inane and boring a pigs life is in Minecraft!

This post was going to say I had no luck with weather on any of my pre 1.5 worlds, not even my beta 1.4 world, but that changed later on. I put the first Alpha world, with the sky-bridges, back into the saves folder and had a little wander, nice to have a little reminisce on my first full world. I left it on and went to lay down on the couch for a bit in case any weather turned up, but I started falling asleep. The volume wasn't high, but high enough, enough to wake me up when I heard a deep rumble. Slightly confused and dozy from sleep, I looked across and saw the storm on my World1! Thunder and lightning! Not only was it enough to wake me up, but enough to spring me off the sofa and watch for a while! I was beginning to worry some Mincraftians were right with their concerns about no weather on their own world.

Morning Interruptions
In the morning I returned to my Alpha mountain home/base, and had an idea to turn my water emergency exit into something more easier with rails.. It also mean I could try out super-powered boosters. During this however I was was disturbed by a deep rumble and HSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS No, it wasn't a creeper! Rain had finally come to World2. The hissing was because of the rain falling into the lava fall that flows outside the front of my mountain base/home.

I have also built up my dog home as I have even more of them on this world too. (After an adventure travelling to another opposite island and seeing many doggies on a small Island I had passed on the way. I lost my stuff solving fighting off the spiders and skeletons, and when I spawned the two I had spawned in the house with me! I found more after also.). The pen for the doggies was getting far far to cramped, so after finding out my pet slime had de-spawned, I dismantled the slime hut and used that space to extend the dog pen.

I did finish the two-rail emergency escape, and I have also removed the floor lighting outside like I said I might do. The only exception being on the sand out the front amongst the cacti. As I write this, I failed to bring birch saplings back from another island (The one I was at earlier) after I left it too long to get back and lost my stuff on the way back due to mobs at night. I went back though and have literally just finished turning the upper section of the tree farm into a birch tree farm. So now I have a regular tree farm and behind it in the upper farm is now all birch. I am thinking about changing the trees around my base to all birch? This is what prompted the farm, but I'm not sure on this idea yet.

Here's a picture of the extended doggie home and a little plaque pillar I made:

So that is that, band up to date - to the minute.

Footnote: As I was uploading these photos I came across a lost picture of the first ever world I attempted! It never lasted or became long term. I built a home on top of a mountain and realized it was quite a trek down to the bottom each time to get resources, so I dug into the mountain and created a stairway all the way down! (or it would have been) It was so long and deep I used to call it the stairway.... to Hell! Unfortunately, it's not a good photo with the pause screen over it:

What is interesting though is the version. It was back in Alpha, version V1.1.2_01. I've checked wiki and that came out September 23, 2010, so I have been playing it since late September as I suspected. World1 - with the sky-bridges, the earliest screenshot also shares this date, so World1 dates back at least to September 23rd 2010 also. World2 - The earliest screenshot is from 1.2.0 in Alpha but that's when I had to change the lava fall out the front to water, so I had been playing it a little while before then. So I must've started the second world, sometime between 23rd September 2010 and October 30th - the Halloween update.

Oh how I wish I had started the blog back then! But to find out roughly when these world were created is great news!

Monday, 18 April 2011

About that room...

Do you remember I redid the rear lounge floor, but couldn't decide what block to decorate with?:

Well after coming off Minecraft, I had to go back on about 5 - 10 minutes later because I had an idea what I can use, gold blocks. Some people hoard their ores like Diamond, I don't, I use them. I also use my Iron ingots too, but gold, tends to unintentionally gets hoarded. After all it's only gold blocks and clocks, (Heh, that rhymes!), that you can make with them. I don't intentionally hoard them, but they're so limiting. So I decided to melt them down and turn some of them in to gold blocks:

Part of me gets tempted to add another material in some of those other squares, but, we'll see..

The swimming pool is coming along nicely, though filling it is a bit awkward. I did extend the pattern on the walls round the sides  in the end and am currently working on the first of the two changinf rooms but I need more sand first, especially for the sandstone. I did another stream as well, this ones an epic 2 hours long but also includes an up to the minute tour around the place from 52 minutes on in the stream:

During the stream I lost two of my doggies to a skeleton attack and went down to at least five, but have tamed more and am up from seven to about eight or nine now. The stream went okay, got between 5 - 7 viewers, up on last time. Here's the latest pic from poolside:

Given that I'm using less torches to lit the outside, I might remove the under-floor lighting it's not bright enough and to replace all with lava under glass would mean constant trips up and down to get the lava. Still thinking about flattening the steps by the pool that lead back to the diner, when It could just go straight across , now there's no building at the top of that hill.. Also made a fiery... well, it's not so much a beacon but more of a tribal pot (cobblestone) of fire. (Netherrack on fire) on pole supports. This is out the front of the base, pretty near the wishing well.

Off to decide on the stairs before work!..

Saturday, 16 April 2011


It's not quite full yet, but I am having fun trying to fill it! All the marble slabs around the edge are done and the initial outline for the markings of the tennis court. I think I'll continue the wave pattern around the edges to the edge of the marble slabs, then next, I guess the changing rooms. I made a little stream finishing the pool but it's not very interesting:

Note: There's no commentary as I don't have a mic.

If you hear background Minecraft for a while, say if I'm in my inventory, it's because I had the channel up on my browser. I muted it so it wouldn't be heard. I was trying to keep an eye on the chat but forgot the sound would be picked up. Also, please be aware, it was my first ever stream, so I am knew to all that.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Rest Bite + Lost One, Found One.

I took a little rest bite from the works on leveling the mountain for the future swimming pool and tennis courts but here is a picture in the mean time:

I created some hollow rooms, as you can see, in the back room for changing areas. I might have benches, showers and toilets in them in the future. The main thing I wanted to do was do a wave/mosaic pattern on that back wall to give a sense of perspective to these pictures. My main concern right now is that there might not be enough room for tennis courts - not for doubles, but just a single court at least.

In the meantime, whilst I had the break I finally changed the floor in that back room, the stone and wool really wasn't working for me. I don't think the wool floor really goes with the clay walls either.

As it was:

As it is now:

Brightens the place up! I really need something for those single sand blocks though, another material for decoration, but I'm not sure what yet. I also lost two of my doggies. :( I was low on health, outside the front of the home by the mountain - and a skeleton appears. I was literally chased around the fountain and got hit and died. After spawning, I climbed over the first mountain hill and was on the the way to the next and home, when my doggies appeared next to me. It was strange. Unless I hit that skeleton before dying and then when I spawned they transported near me? They were all in the pen all sat down, but the fight was pretty near them. So here I am, it's night I'm near my base but there's a load of creepers around, I have no materrals, tools or weapons and my dogs are with me. There was also a load of creepers. If I had attempted to try and run pas t then inevitably they would explode and lose my puppies. What to do?

I had to get back to get my stuff. I rushed them , trying to get past them without getting near them but inevitably some did and I lost two of my pack from 6 down to 4. :( Another two - three were wandering around my base, but I hardly had any bones. I managed to tame one and go back up to 5 wolvies at least.

Back to work on the pool tomorrow.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Carnage in TNT-Minor

Well, there's no turning back now:

Tools used: pick, shovel and TNT - but mostly TNT! Just a few more big lumps to remove then repairing any holes in the set walls. Already you can see it's going to be quite a big space! I'm not sure if I'll keep that left wall all dirt - will need to transform it, or change it all to cobble and continue the fort wall theme along there? What do you think? It has really opened up that back area! Plus I have a nice patch of grass grown already. And all the cobble I acquired had a use - land fill! For when I got a little hap-hazard with the TNT! I was going to have the pool by the path, then the tennnis courts, but when posting this, I think if I have the pool further back, I could use the flat wall of that mountain - as changing rooms?

I have some minor wall repairs to do in the dining room, underneath that tree & snow in the bottom right from where I dug to deep, but it's all good. I'm really hoping this works out as there's no way back now, and you can't fake a mountain back together! Not that high, or at least not without INVedit and no life to speak of..

Monday, 11 April 2011

Plans & Other Stuff

So i made a plan of the docks area in my Beta world, and immediately began the works, laying the foundations. Hit a small snag as some things aren't as big as they appearer in the overhead floor plan, but that's okay.

The sand is only a place-holder and I'll probably have to push back the shop huts, (At the back, to the right of the picture.) as they look a bit flat and uninteresting at the moment.

Alpha Mountain Base/Home
Only a few small changes, I decided to redecorate the back viewing room with the water window. Another room with drab grey smooth stone walls. I kept thinking "water", and what would be appropriate for the walls. Kept thinking Lapis but as this is an old world - I'd have to find a new chunk.

I still need to change the seat and the ceiling but it looks much better I think. In other small news I finally put flowers by the outside of the fencing where the old lava traps used to be and have put lights on top of the bridge pointy bits. Also removed more torches, but more about that shortly. Here's the latest overview:

For the eagle-eyed you may notice a slight change. I updated the painterly pack slightly, some of it unintentional. At first I chose the wrong stone, but on the second go - not only did I restore it, but found the grass was wrong. I thought I chose the same grass, but it's actually a slightly darker green. I like it though as it looks really nice and landscaped and the paths stand out now because of it. I also deliberately changed the trees to a darker green which looks great, and unintentionally changed the glass. The glass has a thicker border frame as to the previous has none, but I kinda like it. The main change though is the torches. No longer do they look like candles, I changed them to the fat white bulbs. As a result they stand out more (Which wasn't what I originally wanted), but, it means I've had to remove some torches as it can look a bit "torch spammed".

Usually outside I've always put torches the way I do inside, like this:


I.E. two blocks between each torch, but if there's enough space I now do it:


Four between each torch, ambient lighting. Where there are short areas of mountain wall - whether mine the nearby one or surrounding outside area, I'd do it torch|space|torch|space| but now with these new bulbs it's more like the old: |torch|space|space|torch|.

I've also toyed with the idea for a swimming pool, but wouldn't know where to put it. However, as I write this, I started thinking: "tennis courts & swimming pool?" So Now I'm considering leveling this back mountain:

The little building on the right might become a victim however. Although this is no great loss as it only serves as a hide-a-way for the stairs to the alternate entrance to the dinning hall. I was going to do it up, but might not now. I dunno, it'd take ALOT of work to level that, or TNT it, but it would open up that area and be a huge space! It would also mean a vast dramatic change to that area! (And make the grounds of my home even bigger.... Grrr, I'm really tempted to do it now! I think I will, I'm too excited at the possibility now!

Watch this space!

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Temporary Beta Boredom?

That was the thought behind this post, although I think I've solved it already.

I was going to write that I was a little bored in my Beta world/house. Sure it was fun building it, but I got to a "now what?" stage. I have two rooms upstairs to fill still, (And I'm still not sure what to fill them with), but even so. There is also the docks, which is where the long path away from Phase #2 goes to, (When I said Phase #2 wasn't another house - it wasn't. At the same time, I really had no idea at that moment what it would be. Now I'm thinking possibly a public park/garden area?) I started thinking about the docks again at work tonight - because my job is that dull.

For about a month I had been thinking of building a small fishing house - not to dissimilar to my first home on my first multi-player server I played on. (Now extinct.) I miss that home. The difference being the inside where the downstairs and upstairs would have been a diner. So I thought about that idea again tonight and it gave me a grand idea for a number of buildings:

  • Captain's Quarters (Dock master's home)
  • The docks themselves
  • Small fishmongers (Would mean lots of fishing but who cares right?)
  • Small fishing shop (Mainly selling fishing rods!)
  • *Possible diner.
  • *Possible small museum charting the history of building the docks. (I do not intent to waste my diamond tools and will use iron tools, so when they wear down encase them in glass at a museum I.E. The first pick/shovel/piece of dirt dug?
  • *Possible hotel! I and another Great player ;) are building a hotel on multiplayer, but in my world i wouldn't be restricted, I could build them as I want! Make them really fancy!
So as you can see, a lot of building ideas! It's got me excited again - excited for the docks. There's still the matter of the house, but meh - what ya gonna do? As soon as I've posted this I will go laden with materials to the waters edge where the dock is, build myself up and take a screenshot for a better perspective. See where I will build all these and lay it all out.

I think the boredom came also as I've still been playing a lot on my old Alpha mountain base/home - it's still exciting in comparison to the Beta home, I never run out of stuff to do! Speaking of which...

Alpha Home News:
Well I finished the dining room. All walls finished with columns, and I did decide to use snow blocks after all for the ceiling. So here it is:

This is on the soul-sand wall just as you come through the door.

I decided to so soul-sand columns as well. Not sure why the note blocks, just a fun quirky thing. I was thinking about adding seats in front of them like music block "stations", what do you think? I never thought I'd say this is one of my favourite rooms, but it now is one of them! I have also had to add extra, extra protection around the front of my lava fall, because of this:

I was cooking pork for them. placing the furnace right where the soul-sand is above, and one wolfy jumped on the furnace, onto the land above and into the lava. :( *Sad panda face. This was just after I got a third wolfy, so I went back down to two until later when another came along. Anywho, it led me to ad even more fencing around the lava fall:

You may have also noticed I've added nice Jack O' Lantern street light about the place! I'm trying to minimize on torches, plus they look nice. I've also changed the cobble steps that ajoin the smooth stone paths - they look out of place. I replaced them with slab half-steps, and with my painterly pack, they now also blend in. Also chopped down the ridiculously large tree out the front and replaced it with a regular medium tree for uniform. How many lanterns can you see?:

At this rate I may be building a kennel or pen for the doggies, though I have the library to finish. Also changed the section with adjoining stairwell and have it uniform with the other corridors - sandstone walls, wooden floor.

Well that's it for now, I'm of to plan the docks in my Beta world, and all these new buildings!

Sunday, 3 April 2011

1.4, Wolves & More!

This post was meant to be just about more changes in my old Alpha Mountain home, but I kept meaning to do this post for so long that it's now going to be one of those big posts again!

So yeah - 1.4 and... wolves. The first time I came across them I was actually on a newly generated world (Trying to find a good spot for my private server for my forum), and I found a small pack of them! It was a new world though, I hadn't been on long and within a minute I found this pack, but naturally I had no bones on me. It was also midday. Also, I had just died and respawned and had to leave them behind because I needed to find this place again:

If anything needed building around, it was this epic apple core-esq mountain!

I then went to my Beta world and went on a big hunt for wolves with some bones to tame them, but like some, couldn't find any. I left it, and Minecraft for a while and went on to do other things at home. I later returned to my Beta home and was just outside my fence of my house,when I saw a couple of wolves! I went in and got some bones and tamed two. I heard it helps having a forest or very wooded area, and thankfully my beta home is in the latter, so much so they would keep on spawning.

That first night, I just had a couple and had them sit outside the dor of the fencing outside for the night. They are sooooooooo cute, I mean adorable. Minecraft is now killing me with cuteness overload. They way they cock their lil' heads and shake off water after going for a swim/travelling across water. Not so good fighting skeletons however. I found a pack and tamed four more, bringing my total to six, so I had them sit on a flat grassy spot near outside my house and built a kennel (of sorts) around them:

I had turned the default texture pack on as I was worried about them not showing, as some had experienced.

I found a couple more, which brings my total now to 9. I only keep them locked up at night though, I go off wandering with them during the day., and it's great having a pack of 9 wolves following you!

More Alpha Mountain Home Stuff..

There are two more major changes, as well as a few other little ones, but the first is the library. Before accidently deleting this world a second time I had begun expanding the mini-library - upgrading it to a small library. Then it accidently got deleted, my back-up was two weeks old, I lost all the work. Fast forward, and I have finally got the urge to try again. Work is in progress but it will see it change from this:

to this currently:

As you can see, when finished it will be much bigger. That back wall is even further back than the previous time! The other thing, and the main BIG thing, is the dining room:

I always said I would eventually re-decorate the walls and floor and I finally have. I agonized over the floor first, I didn't want another wooden floor and a coloured wool block floor (or anything using them as a pattern) was out of the question because of the sheer size and amount of wool that would be needed. This, like all my worlds, is legit after all. Smoothstone looks drab, cobble and sandstone wouldn't really match the idea, obsidian was too dark and I was running out of ideas. I even went as far as emptying my entire inventory so I could kill myself, spawn in my middle-of-nowhere spawn point (Where a portal is to get me to the nether and back home), just so I could get snow. That, really is where the only snow biome is near me!

I got an idea about a fake marble-esq floor with snow blocks and collected quite a few stacks, but that didn't work out. So I started laying things next to snow blocks for patterns. Initially I tried sand, but they contrasted too much. which is when i really began thinking about patterns again. I know some people use work benches and chest in floors as decoration, so I thought about my texture pack and my chests. My single chests have a gold square deco on top which I thought would look nice, so I devised this simple pattern:

I did a one-tile block of this pattern as a tester, and really liked it, you can also still use the chests! So I implemented across the entire floor and it looks sooooooooooo much better! I also got rid of the fake TV and Netherrack chairs, the obsidian TV was a pain to mine! Then it came to the walls. Sandstone was a consideration but then it'd be too like the corridors so I opted for sand again but to stop it being too plain I decide to have two feature contrast walls with soul sand.

In works:

The latest idea is adding sandstone columns in front of the sand walls (And all around?) to at make at least the sand walls less boring:

During this, I heard a bark from upstairs... I had a wolfie in my old Alpha world, in an old chunk! I never expected that. I rushed up and tamed him, so I now have a companion in this world too! It also lead to making a minor health and safety change to the fencing by the lava:

Eventually when I finish this, I will do the ceiling as well in the dining hall, but traditional wool block (asbestos looking ceiling tiles) are out of the question this time. I may very well use those snow blocks! The other thing I did was get rid of the lava traps out the front. The area is so well lit, I never get mobs coming that close any more, and in the advent of brown sheep and wolves - I don't want any accidents. They're not really needed any more, so I filled them in, I should plant flowers really, but this is the new view of everything, including the tree farm just by me where the old fail lava & water trap used to be:

I also replaced the doors by the fencing, (In the gates), from wood too steel doors. They're not meant to be homely - I pondered one day. They're meant to be security. I think flowers along those fences would look nice, where the lava traps used to be... Looking at this, I might replant a tree where that one in the top right corner is! That freaky mis-shaped tree bugs me!


EDIT: Look at the time of this post! 1337 post! Elite!

Light changes..

 So as I plan a build (On my creative copy) for the horrible chunk error wall next tot the hotel at the Chunk Plaza development, i've be...

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