Saturday, 2 March 2019

BETA Base??? (Java)

I was looking through a folder on my desktop labelled "Minecraft Other" and saw a folder called "World2", what I called my main world of 8 years+ in the early days. I thought it strange as I have a back up folder on a different drive so I don't keep saves there, and when I looked inside the folder it was definitely an alpha files set up. Now I know this is not an original because I never kept (if any) back ups in my early days, but I was curious.

I opened it up in the last Alpha version available and came across this:

I really didn't remember building this at first, but obviously did at some point. I guess I took a copy of my main world back to the past using old versions and tied to go to alpha, but the furthest I can go back is beta 1.4 because the worlds had a few accidental deletions back in the early days. (One due to a power cut, the other I'm still not sure but I always guess with my tower lower down then I accidentally kneed the power button?)

I guess I tried to go back to alpha or re-use the seed, but as it so often doesn't work out I usually don't keep the save, odd that I should this time and store it somewhere like that. I'm not sure whether to keep it now or what I'd do with it. I moved it to beta 1.0 then after a play and growing tired of a chest bug moved it to b1.0_01 but whether I keep it or not remains to be seen.

There's also a spider dungeon in the opening of a cave situated at the bottom of a mountain opposite my home, when I get to the point were XP comes in; I will convert it to a mob farm.

Yesterday I continued it after getting the idea to create a modular home - a series of 4 by 1 circular modules linked by a 4 long 2 wide corridor. This being the circle:

At first I just added one out the front for a new entrance and one to the side as a future bedroom moving the game into beta 1.02

I decided that I needed at least two more modules - one for a living area and another for storage, as well as using the back one as a way down into the mine, creating a very odd looking shape out of the front now:

Cow Levi-OSA!

One problem I had was I had already moved the way down to the mine from the middle of the floor to the side but on the left side of the very back module, had an infinite water source I had put along side a wall - both of which had to be relocated to add the two extra corridors and modules either side.



The fencing here is wrong and has since been changed, the way down
is on the left not the right so the gap is corrected to the left side now.

Also created a furnace wall on the landing to the mine:

Also, inadvertently - have a little center court because of the nature of the modules. Completely unintentional. Some of the tops of the buildings also have cobble stairs as an extra detail.

As of today:

The outside is rapidly expanding with modules:

As you go in we have a living area module to the left..

The corridor leads to the back module featuring two corridors left and right for a further two modules for the bedroom (Left) and storage (Right):

Finally a view of what it looks like from the top to give you an idea of size.

I'm slowly working my way up to Beta 1.3 - that's the goal. With leaf decay re-written and redstone repeaters according to the notes, but most importantly beds! It gets tiresome keep walking from spawn (Across what would be the sand farm islands by the Half-way House in the 8 year old current version. No chunk wall here though these days.) Especially when you have to wade across water - the Update Aquatic was a God send!

I need to set my spawn!

Looks like I'm keeping the world for now, without a doubt as I get into further updates and make it more a home it will not stay at three high walls inside. I'm kind of interested to see how it might develop from this very basic modular structure and the world around me. There are currently a lot more pigs, sheep and cows in the area now.

Monday, 4 February 2019

Changes are afoot!

Further to previous posts, alot of work is taking place!

I was back in 1.12.2 recently - just to take comparison shots of how my worlds looked in those last versions (Yes I still have the 1.12.2 saves), but I ended up turning on creative on the copy of the world. After an afternoon of it, some of the changes I made and what it could be has got me all fired up to start make significant changes.





I've already mentioned the kitchen and adding an extension to the side, now it's the turn of the docks that I always wanted to do. Back in 2012 I did a very basic cobble design with no real clue or idea about what I wanted to actually do or how I wanted it to look. It was always a "I'll come back to it later" project. Following the afternoon on the 1.12.2 creative copy however, I found something I liked on Google images and wanted to emulate.

As you can see I'm squeezing an actual room and build above the docks, and the platforms have been turned into birch slab platforms. (For which I started a birch tree farm where the old cobble neutral mob farm used to be - might as well make use of the space now!) The use of cobble for the stairs up is only temporary for now I may use stonebrick or maybe continue in birch. (I wish they had metal stairs). It is actually going to look like something now though, and it connects into the side extension of the kitchen via a stair way off the room.

For the main home, I was tired of the other door to going outside on to cobble steps down to nowhere, so I am putting a new birch balcony there. I have actually had to bring the brick wall out by 1 block, hence the dirt where the window is that needs to be replaced. I've replaced all the standard doors with nice birch doors and done a little stonebrick cladding to the side of the front balcony down the side. Eventually the polished diorite around the basement storage windows (Below said balcony) will cover all of that lower front and round the sides.

I have done the same to the sides of the mountain at the top rear where the mountain is and bathroom is located inside, extending it internally. All of the dirt mountain there will eventually be brick as well with a roof not just a dirt hovel of a mountain. All roofs will also be re-worked and below the new side balcony the built out area - which is the farm, will also receive a roof.

End note: Just before spell checking this I did some more works including glass round the side (kitchen) and the roofs. Currently smelting clay!

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Future Plans

I've been playing a little less lately, but it has given me time to reflect and think; specifically about my worlds. The future, and future plans of my worlds..

Main World

After going back and playing a little Beta recently, I do miss getting an idea and just digging into a wall in my main home. That said, I don't think the inside is going to change much any more. I still have my other projects scattered away from the home - continuing interiors of Mount DOOOooom, The Chunk Plaza (Will I ever decide on the look of the outside of the hotel?!) and the new minecart tunnel to the mesa biome. I do have plans for that tunnel now, but I'll post that in a separate update, I also still need a LOT more gold for the rail boosters.

I did also fix the collection for the kelp farm, so none hang 3/4 of the way up.


I'm a bit stuck with this one. After completing the new roof I'm a bit unsure where to go next with this project. The original goal was to just build a home on top of this great natural mound of land sticking out in the ocean, but I never really had any goals beyond that, so now I'm a bit stuck as to what to do next. I would like to continue it however.

1.9.5 home

This one I will continue to make improvements, however I recently lost all my inventory so I have to do a big grind again (As you do), so I need time before I'm ready to go at it again. I was on the way back out after a big mine session and died to unexpected lava. The old neutral mob pens cobble monstrosity - to the right of the pic is coming down in favor of the new modern barn. Right now I just have the cows in there but I figure I only need to keep maybe a couple and one chicken for eggs. I might move the cows and just have the sheep in there and divide the new barn up.

Still modifying the kitchen, I want to re-work the very old roofs, possibly the balcony, I have a skeleton far,m, a zombie far x2 and, I still have the big "eye" project holding the portal in the mountain across the water behind my home to continue.

Podzol Home

After changing the exterior dramatically, I am currently working on the inside but am a bit stuck. I started dividing the area of into separate rooms but then it felt too claustrophobic, so just the other day I undid this and have completely gutted the inside except for the kitchen.

Ravine Home

Really not sure about this one. It's a double dip ravine (One ravine leading into another, the second being the main home) and there's still a lot to do to try and make it look like a home and less like a ravine. That said, I do like using the upper level of the first entrance ravine as food farms and using the bottom abandoned mine as storage whilst retaining rail tracks around it.

Let me know if you have any ideas.

Sunday, 13 January 2019


Resource Pack: Mostly default
Currently changed blocks: Stone slabs and stone bricks I have done myself for a long time, Terracotta I have just color picked the muted colours and just done a flat color - I can do texture later. andesite, diorote & their varients still need to be changed, red sandstone & varients I have recolored from default same as coarse dirt.

Shaders: BSL/default
Local difficulty: 3.88
Current location: McDunky's, Chunk Plaza
Current XP: 7
Data packs: 4x bark blocks, 12x trapdoors, anti-Enderman griefing, coal to ink, moar stairs & rotten flesh to leather.

After the latest download on December the 24th, I went away for Christmas and when I came back only played sporadically since. I've been taking my time and doing odd little jobs, one of which was putting a proper tree where the old coca bean farm was. For the download, I just planted a normal tree, but I had a go at making a custom Oak tree - something I've still yet to perfect.

I've also removed another unsightly chunk across the water from the Chunk Plaza. Previously last year, I removed a very tall chunk error - all by hand and without efficiency tools. There was still another unsightly slither of a chunk error behind it however and these days I have both pick-axe and shovel with efficiency IV to make short work of it this time.

The original first chunk that was demolished.

Slither that was left with "Fake island" on the remains of the previous chunk.

Yesterday I finally removed that last slither next to the fake island:

Around the corner there was also another chunk that I started removing well over a year & a half ago and never got back to - so I blew most of it up with TNT and efficiency pick'd and shoveled the rest:

Lastly, as I still try and work out the exterior look of the hotel at the Chunk Plaza (on a creative copy of the world), in survival I have been working on the interior of McDunky's next door. Last time it was only the front exterior that had green concrete, inside I had dirt placements where I wanted things and over the last day I have put a floor in and changed those dirt placements to permanent interior furnishings. (Still W.I.P.)

I've also currently emptied my Iron farm down to just 5 & 1/2 stacks of iron ingots and converted them for the rails for the giant tunnel to the Mesa biome that was dug out in December. I need it to stock back up as I need the iron for the kitchen at McDunky's - I want a very industrial metallic kitchen, but that will take a lot of Iron blocks!

Light changes..

 So as I plan a build (On my creative copy) for the horrible chunk error wall next tot the hotel at the Chunk Plaza development, i've be...

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