Monday, 4 February 2019

Changes are afoot!

Further to previous posts, alot of work is taking place!

I was back in 1.12.2 recently - just to take comparison shots of how my worlds looked in those last versions (Yes I still have the 1.12.2 saves), but I ended up turning on creative on the copy of the world. After an afternoon of it, some of the changes I made and what it could be has got me all fired up to start make significant changes.





I've already mentioned the kitchen and adding an extension to the side, now it's the turn of the docks that I always wanted to do. Back in 2012 I did a very basic cobble design with no real clue or idea about what I wanted to actually do or how I wanted it to look. It was always a "I'll come back to it later" project. Following the afternoon on the 1.12.2 creative copy however, I found something I liked on Google images and wanted to emulate.

As you can see I'm squeezing an actual room and build above the docks, and the platforms have been turned into birch slab platforms. (For which I started a birch tree farm where the old cobble neutral mob farm used to be - might as well make use of the space now!) The use of cobble for the stairs up is only temporary for now I may use stonebrick or maybe continue in birch. (I wish they had metal stairs). It is actually going to look like something now though, and it connects into the side extension of the kitchen via a stair way off the room.

For the main home, I was tired of the other door to going outside on to cobble steps down to nowhere, so I am putting a new birch balcony there. I have actually had to bring the brick wall out by 1 block, hence the dirt where the window is that needs to be replaced. I've replaced all the standard doors with nice birch doors and done a little stonebrick cladding to the side of the front balcony down the side. Eventually the polished diorite around the basement storage windows (Below said balcony) will cover all of that lower front and round the sides.

I have done the same to the sides of the mountain at the top rear where the mountain is and bathroom is located inside, extending it internally. All of the dirt mountain there will eventually be brick as well with a roof not just a dirt hovel of a mountain. All roofs will also be re-worked and below the new side balcony the built out area - which is the farm, will also receive a roof.

End note: Just before spell checking this I did some more works including glass round the side (kitchen) and the roofs. Currently smelting clay!

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