Hopefully it will over time.
So in the mean time I have decided to stick my my main world, world2 - the old Alpha world, for now at least. Rather than keep improving things, of which I am running out of things to do, I am developing the surrounding area. I've just added a double height fence pen just behind and down from the other farm pens. This will be for chickens eventually, the cows can either share with the pics or sheep, probably the former. This is being done in advance for breeding when it comes. The main thing though, is a hotel.
On one of the earliest Minecraft servers I joined, I started to help build a hotel with a friend, but the server got neglected by it;'s owners and disbanded. So on my world I'm building my own hotel! I was going to have 10 floors but might just start with 5 and see how it goes from there. I'll be able to build this one to how I like it with my design styles and tastes. So I guess I need an old picture here to show you where it will be built. If you look at this picture, and look where the wishing well is:
Above it on the right side of the mountains above the well, are some trees, including one very big tree, which is where I'm building it - on the right side of the mountain on the corner. I've been working on it this morning using dirt for scaffolding as I have no SinglePlayerCommands:
I might have to see about changing having the cacti there, but we'll see. I might also build a second swimming pool, no changing rooms this time, so the hotel has it's own pool. Instead of deepness of the pool being 5, 10 and 20 blocks deep, this time it'll probably be 5, 10 and 15. I've left a 5 block gap around the base of the hotel for landscaping and a nice surrounding decorative area. I want there to be plenty of glass, give it a modern feel. Each flat may have an en-suite kitchen.
These are my plans for now, I might look on Minutor, look at the surrounding area and see what else I might build. This is what the map looks like:
Back to work on that hotel..
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