I might extend the 5 floors to 7 now, although, I just realised with the above pictures - this isn't five floors, it's four + reception on the ground floor! When the walls were finished for the bottom flow, I decided to mix things up a little. If it was snow blocks all the way to the top, that'd be pretty boring, so I decided to have a contrasting floor with sand. Then the next would be snow, then sand again, all the way up.
Apart from the window in the front and the 3 - 4 windows round the back (In the corridor), the basic walls for floor #1 are done.
The rooms are quite spacious really, depending on where the stairs are. When the ceilings are added, they will utilize Glowstone, so there won't be any torches. I've also been thinking about what furniture each room should have, and deemed maybe each room should have:
- A bed
- A small en-suite kitchen
- 1 Sofa
Storage will be where and panel walls are naturally, the ones that hide the stairways up. At the moment I desperately need to go get some more coal to smelt things and I will have to go to the sand biome again as well. Those 5 - 6 stacks of sand (At least) are almost used up already, admittedly some on glass, but mostly on just the first sand-wall floor.
Lastly, I took this screen shot because it was so pretty. My house, in the side of a mountain, silhouetted by the sunrise.
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