Wednesday, 27 July 2011

The Wind Of Change..

I'm almost finished the library already! Finally. I've completed all the bookcases, making them one block higher and have also slightly changed the lighting. It's still Glowstone but instead of hanging it's embedded, Not just that though, I went around and removed the torches between bookcases at floor level and embedded Glowstone in the floor. I then removed the wall torches, but it was still too dimly lit, so On the same horizontal axis as the floor Glowstone I place one in the ceiling all around the room:

There's only the rest of the ceiling left to do now, a big section in the middle. It's a different way of lighting for me but I think it works.

The other thing is the water elevator. It was time to say goodbye. It sort of worked but you could only get in at the bottom not from where the corridor is, I couldn't ever figure out a way to alter that. Basically, because of my home in the side of a mountain, I needed a water elevator to go down instead of up. I slowly collected the Glowstone back up and used alot of cobblestone I've acquired from mining to fill it up, t'was a sad sad day. When it was level however, before I filled in the wall, I reasoned that I could perhaps actually fit another room there. And I have the cobble frame inside so I don't need to worry about holes behind walls. I can't think of another room I would have there at the moment however. R.I.P. water elevator! It looks so strange now, just having the blank sandstone wall again, perhaps a painting?

In lesser important news, I started changing the ceiling to back lounge upstairs, from wool to snow. The wool started to catch fire, despite the brick, despite where the burning Netherrack was 4/5 blocks below the ceiling. Why now when it's been fine up until now? In hindsight I think it would look better anyway. There was also a terrible storm last night and a Creeper caught me off guard:

That's what happens when you play on hard and go out to look at the lightning! Good job the plaque base for the foundation sign was made of Obsidian eh? Relatively minor damage, but I changed the sign o the gold block which now just reads - "Forged in a mountain. Circa September 2010."

One bold step to the Aether..
Seems everybody is trying this highly anticipated, recently released, mod. I was influenced. Had to uninstall SinglePlayer Commands (Just for flying and way-points!) to have this, haven't tried installing it after yet.

I initially tried other worlds, but I didn't have Glowstone in the "less important worlds" and I couldn't Inventory edit myself any in - wouldn't INVedit in! So I had to use my main world. I backed up all my saves before installing the Aether anyway. Once I got it going I received my first shock

Yes, my gate is floating in mid air. I'm not sure if this is common, but as you can see, I had to build a normal dirt block path out, so I could jump down safely onto the clouds below. (After getting knocked off numerous times by those cloud things that shoot snowballs!) Naturally I punched a tree for Skyroot loogs and made some basic Skyroot tools, quickly finding some holystone to upgrade them all. Not long after this I found Zanite and updated again - apart from my axe as I didn't have enough. Some of these I lost as I died a few times. Also collected some Ambrosium Ore, Icestone, Quicksoil and some Blue Aerclouds as well as regular Aerclouds and dirt.

Been poisoned a few times by the wild Moas! That was fun.. Also by a aechor plant. Have yet to get a Moa egg, really want one. Have built a very basic house out of holystone, but guess I should find a dungeon soon. I like this mod though, I'm not usually one for mass modding at all, but it's fun and entertaining!

More soon!

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Light changes..

 So as I plan a build (On my creative copy) for the horrible chunk error wall next tot the hotel at the Chunk Plaza development, i've be...

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