If you see any holes in the tavern garden to the right of the picture, it's for the piston tables. Bit of a logistical nightmare with all the red stone circuits underneath the ground. This is partly why I failed at the secret entrance. I think it's alright if you're making a new secret entrance, but if your trying to incorporate it into an old existing area, getting Redstone power to the pistons as well as being able to hide the wiring can be difficult aesthetically when your trying to make it blend in with the rest of the surroundings. At least however, it's got me playing with Redstone at last and learning about circuits & stuff. You'll never learn if you don't at least try.
The Multi-player house is coming along nicely though:
I also forgot to mention a bit of a change at the storage room. Finally changed that dirt floor, but leveled off some of the walls for more space. No doubt I'll end up having chests on the walls above chests for cobblestone. (When I got that much again after losing all those chest before with the creeper incidents.) One of the main differences this time is the stairs. I hated the single row of cobble stairs coming straight down from the middle of the wall, so have changed them to come down the side and around a corner. (With fencing to prevent falling over the side of the stairs):
The glass wall in the first screenshot, is where the secret entrance was meant to be. It now serves as a glass prison of sorts, for the mobs that spawn out the back there.
I also re-installed SinglePlayerCommands now it's updated, way-points and flying are all I used it for, both very handy. I should get back to the fencing as I really want to see how that looks when completed. I think I like it, but I also think I need to complete it before making a decision.
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