Sunday, 8 May 2011

Passing Time/Getting Things Done

That's mainly what I've been doing lately, not feeling very inspirational. I finally finished putting the last blocks of Netherrack up in the Portal room, just another stream of lava to re-add and it's done. At the swimming pool I've fixed the pool so there's no current. Finished the male changing rooms and have almost finished the female changing rooms. In the later I've just the rest of the floor to sandstone, add levers (Shower heads) and add skylights. I will eventually change the ceilings. SO that's a good few things almost off the list of things to do. The tennis courts need finishing put the animal mobs aren't really appearing, holding things up. I think it's where I took some of the torches down outside. I re-instated them but after going for a walk, the animals re-appeared for a while, but have disappeared again. No cheep = no wool = no lines for tennis courts.

Thanks to a handy hint on the Minecraft forums I learned how to fix a big hole full of water. The main thing is two new rooms, well 1 & 1/2. I was upstairs in the corridor between the bedroom and rear lounge when I heard mobs. I turned on F3, just to see where they were and dug into the corridor walls. After killing them, them most killing each other bar 1 skeleton, I found a perfectly square little room. I must've dug it out at some point with plans to use it but changed my mind and filled over the door hole. As it backed onto the bedroom I dug up to the light shaft on the back wall of the bedroom. At first this was going to be a new room, but it has been changed into a bedroom extension!

 (I also ,moved the entrance door from the front of the mountain to round the side, which meant readjusting the outside stairs but it was worth it.)

I'm not sure how I'm going to decorate it yet, but as you can see I've matched the walls and floor and added doors opening from within to the main bedroom, keeping them permanently open like a pair of fake French doors. I have a proper bed in there as well to respawn in as well as the fake bed in the main bedroom, which put an end to the other spawn room by the portal, but that wasn't the best location anyway. Whilst digging the walls out to replace with cobblestone I found a hole shape behind one wall so created a short corridor (literally a few steps long) and a neighbouring next room, which I did have to dig out.

The smaller water-window in the first picture utilizes the same waterfall the main, bigger, water-window in the rear viewing room down stairs uses. I decided to use this as a V.I.P room because as you can see it overlooks the tennis courts and pool. I went through many stages with this room, at first all brick then brick as a feature wall with other sand walls before settling on a wooden room with log columns (And originally i wanted log beams), an idea I had had for a room for a good few days. The only trouble was, you can't go through someone's back lounge or bedroom to go to a V.I.P. room, which meant I needed a new entrance:

I don't think the stairs stand out too much in the private garden and I do like the little bay window underneath where veranda garden is outside the rear lounge. Speaking of which, I had to raise that veranda by 1 level to hide the stone from underneath. It looks the same with grass and fences but it's a shorter step down (Now with marble half-steps replacing the fugly cobble steps) and a level higher as a result.

Here are the changing rooms, with shower area (Gravel blue floor) and toilet area in the blue partitioned area:

Like in my Beta world, the toilets are the same design with a working toilet paper dispenser (paper), although not actually have any paper yet.

My concern with getting these things done, is that I'm beginning to run out of ideas now. I do still have the Nether bridge to finish however. Today I also finally continued the expansion of the library, this will be my main project for a while. When complete, should I run of ideas, I guess I will go back to my Beta world full time and continue the docks/Captain's Quarters and that area. I also when cave splunking again and got all diamond tools and a sword, though I lost the sword, but I have at least all diamond tools again.

Am I finally running out of ideas for this world though?

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