Saturday, 8 December 2018


So as you can tell from the title, something special is about to happen once again.

If you look to the left menu under "Portals to other places", you'll see'll a link to the world D/L of my main world of 8 years, that last release being back in August this year. I am thinking of releasing the next download release just before the Christmas holidays - which means it will be coming very, very soon! I'm spending this month until the release going round doing all those silly little jobs that need to be finished like replacing a cobble block placed where there was a missing iron fence, getting round to doing a proper floor for the re-instated Art gallery some months back - and in general all those silly little things I keep meaning to do but never seem to have time to get round doing.

Currently there are 3 pages in a book and quill with jobs, one being an optional mini-build, and page #4 are the optional extra jobs if time. I did do that last extra job on page #3 however, completed it yesterday. When you go to the Chunk Plaza station (Which replaced the Half-way House station and mound of land behind it with two station platforms), the other route goes off to the Half-way House itself.

This route comes out of one chunk wall error into the plains before going into the rest of the chunk wall error. Suffice to say at night it's dangerous to go there with the exposed ground to mobs, so a simple tunnel was constructed.



If there's time, I will also continue giving the roofs depth and texture. Instead of just stairs, I was also mixing it up with slabs and/or full plank blocks to give it texture, I've done some at the main home, and the church, so if there's time I will try and get some more done.

So be sure to watch the side links for the change of D/L link although there will be announcement when it has actually been released.

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Light changes..

 So as I plan a build (On my creative copy) for the horrible chunk error wall next tot the hotel at the Chunk Plaza development, i've be...

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