Friday, 5 December 2014

+++ UPDATE TIME! +++

I really meant to post in October, but um.... yeah.

So here's a big update on the worlds, I won't include my main world just yet, I'll leave that until next post as I have been super, super busy on that world and there's a lot of changes to be writing about. Anyway - the other worlds, starting with the ones in the last post.

1.8 Tower

So last time it looked like this:

Now it looks more like this:

After deciding on a skyscraper home, most of the temporary dirt walls have now been replaced. I think it's polished Diorite for the main blocks - or Andesite, hard to tell in this resource pack. Oh yes I'm using one now, and it's called Persistance. Getting all the dye for the windows is going to be a pain though. It's light grey panes and so far I've been using the flowers in the area but I could well end up making a squid farm.

As you can see the extension at the far back has been divided up with the kitchen/dinning room at the far, far back; joining on to what will be the living room next to the main reception/entrance area. The two pillars and temporary natural stairs adjoining them are place-marks for a grande staircase.

Mo' Creatures, Mo Problems

Well the building is getting taller! There are now two "Floors" made out of slabs - but I'm not sure I like them to be honest. (Thoughts welcome!) I don't feel like they fir with the glass.

So here's how it looked:

Here's how it looked last time I actually worked on it (Been a while since):

Last time I had finished the walls upstairs but it had no roof, which I'm now pleased to say it has:

Ravine Home 

In the last month and a half I made a major push on the ravine home, especially in the last month. I've been busy collecting Diorite for the ravine walls as the raw version looks nice in the Modern HD resource pack and as well of there being lots of it has that clean look.

Last time:

Here's how it now looks:

I've also very, very recently begun working on the lower ravine too:

Raw granite this time. Haven't really done much more to the abandoned mine storage area.

I'll post my next update soon, with all the news about upgrading my main world to 1.8 and the things I've been up too.

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Light changes..

 So as I plan a build (On my creative copy) for the horrible chunk error wall next tot the hotel at the Chunk Plaza development, i've be...

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