Thursday, 20 September 2012

Calling "Time" at the Great-Green Tavern

'Tis a sad day on my World#2 as it's finally time to demolish and pull down the old tavern:

The fact is, over the last two years my building style has changed and improved greatly, and although this current tavern is only a year old, if that, it's time for it - and it's retro sandstone blocks, to go. It shall rise again however, in it's new form styled on the outside very much in the style of the kingdoms mode, so it will be larger, notably with an upstairs as well. In just one Minecraft night I went up to the roof and took it apart then went around the four walls lowering the building to the ground..

I may change the interior walls to wood and make it really rustic, not sure yet. Since I continued this morning you can see that I out on a small extension at the side so it's a little bit longer and not totally square and boring. Although, with the upstairs overhanging the downstairs, it will be quite different anyway.

I've also started re-decorating the back viewing room (With the water-window) adding more colored wool and might add a few item frames to keep a nautical/sea theme!


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