So I did a very stupid thing. I was playing on a server belonging to someone I'm subscribed to on You Tube, and I had to revert it back to 1.3.2; after playing however I forgot to change it back to the snapshot. Without thinking I went to my World #2 and soon discovered my carrot farm was gone. After all that work and finally managing to get a carrot.
Thankfully I managed to get another carrot and with bonemeal stared again. In the meantime I decided I needed diamond tools again and needed a new place to mine them, and I found the perfect place. Since I started this world two years ago there is this hole in the ground, a cave not too far from the rear of my mountain home. It's on the way to the half-way house and although I have explored it I've not gone extensively in there. So I am turning this into a full mine:

I managed to find a few diamonds and have a few left over, I did lose my sword later but have enough to replace it. I also have back with about 2 & a bit stacks of Iron! i really needed some more anyway, and I founds loads as well as some more gold. Also I was gaining xp in my mob chamber and I saw an item drop, when I went round to check it out after it was clear and I got a potato! As you know it only takes 1 potato/carrot for a farm and with some bonemeal I now have a full potato farm! I now have lots of carrots, some bake potatoes as well as the new item pumpkin pie.
As of this post, the furniture in the new-look dinning room is installed, it's just the pictures to add once the bug glitch has been fixed. yesterday I also added the furniture in the patio area outside the back of said dinning room and decided to open the back entrance a little, mainly due to aesthetics and being equal on both sides. As a result I've tried to create a more "patio doors" kind of look with glass.
At the moment here is the current bucket list of things to do:
*Lower half wall decoration in dining room kitchen + fittings. (Started first one)
*Re-decorate library.
*Re-decorate Viewing area. (Water-window room)
*Start making potions After recently making lots of awkward potions. (Started)
*Finish changing walls to clay blocks in new stairs from living room extension
*Furniture for front room extension
Bigger projects in this world:
*Continue the digging underneath the bridge for my underwater glass tunnel for my Minecart railway.
*Completely flatten pub/tavern and rebuild in new style.
*Re-decorate the very long passage ways of the Emergency Exit tunnel!
*Finish re-decorating the art gallery one day! (If I even find materials I like!)
*Build big stone wall around Mount DOOOoooom
I've also removed the mini en-suite kitchen in the bedroom, not really needed. Not sure what to put there though. Also moved the first couple of steps to downstairs from the bedroom over as it's safer.