Friday, 29 June 2012

Official Website!

Lately because I have been livestreaming a fair bit I have been thinking about maaaaybe making a series around the world#2 re-generation. In fact I have just recorded and uploaded episode #1 to YouTube. The point is(!) in the middle of recording (I had to re-record the last quarter) I decided to make a website around this blog. I already had a spare domain floating around, so be sure to check it out at!:

It's only a small website, and it's early days yet, but who knows what the future will bring.

I've already made a good start in the old cave transforming it into the new area for the science lab and it's storage area complete with netherwart farm. I've took down the wall that I wanted and shaped things with cobblestone for now, just to get the general idea. When doing it on creative, it's naturally so easy, when you go to do it legit, things don't always go to plan, measurements don't work out that should.. I have the basic structure thowever and changed the bottom row of the walls to the special decorative sandstone block. mainly because I had a lot of them from a previous corridor decoration.

On episode #1 of the video I started after just having collecting about a dozen stacks of sand to decorate the place, the wals, but almost lost the lot after dying from a mass spider attack! You'll see it on the video though. First thing I'm doing to do is finish the lobby down to the storage area. he latest snapshot has added the crafting recipe for colored stairs, which were previously only available in Creative. So I'll try and finish the walls, change the floor to pine floor planks/stairs and then I'll start using the sand to decorate the new area. I will however do all the glass first for the lab itself.

Be sure to check out the new website and don't forget to follow me on twitter: @welovetomine. Please watch the video and if you like it i might do this more, and maybe regularly.

Last post for June?



  1. thats a good lets play. well, check out my minecraft blog.


  2. That's insane good! I might copy your style though!

    Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode!

    >> <<


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