Sunday, 13 May 2012

CREATIVE: Old Worlds Part #2

Continuing from last time, I mentioned I formed a new set of stairs on the inside to the rear lounge and bedroom of world #2. This is because on top of the mountain I wanted to turn it into a heli pad of sorts, which would need a building on the top, so I built this:

By creating this, the stairs down actually ran parallel to the old cobblestone corridor that ran between the bedroom and rear lounge. So when I decorated the corridor, bits of that decoration showed through the other side on the old corridor, so I closed it off completely. The stairs, after a few short winding corridors, eventually lead to where the mushroom farm is on the legit version.

Same view before:

Continuing on:

I know have some weird little medical facility where the old mushroom farm used to be. I like the idea of the building on top of the mountain the new corridors and stairs, but if I was doing this legit I probably wouldn't have an emergency treatment room & helipad, why would you need one in a residential building? I'd try and find another use for this room instead.

Aesthetically, the corridors have had a bit of a spruce up with paintings, and even the library has had a minor refurbishment with an entirely new wall nut floor, old fashioned wood deco and trap-doors/hatches in the sides of the book cases which make it look sooooo much better!

And the library:

Yep, the lava is still there, but it's sealed off now. Underneath the library we now have an old archive room, because it's dimly lit (Purposely), there are usually lots of mobs down there, especially spiders.

As you can also tell from the last entry about this side project, the bridge got a major over haull as well! From this:

To this!:

It's a work in progress though, and the church got a minor make over as well:

MOAR Aesthetics!:

Zero mobs on the boardwalk at night now.

The old jail cells at the bottom of the mountain by the lava pools, would now serve as the new Portal room when finished.

The last part, the finished art gallery, will have to be in the third and  final part as this post is too long already and there are lots of pictures for just the gallery alone. For this whole 3-part series I took 90 screen-shots and had to create a new photo folder, just for screen-shots for this blog now. In the last and final part though I'll show you the art gallery.

Although I won't posts about it, some of these changes I am implementing on the actual world, legit. The new access to the rear lounge & bedroom, the library upgrade, outside wall aesthetics, board-walk, inside corridors, dog house and church. All things listed are obtainable and do-able legit. Things like the bridge and emergency treatment/medical room won't be done.

1 comment:

  1. Where do you get the ideas to build things? Do they just sort of come spur of the moment?


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