Friday, 6 April 2012

Kingdom Of Animus (Part #1: First Blood)

Actually I'm not sure what to call it yet.

Yes, I have installed the kingdom mod or at least the fan continuation of the mod. I thought I had the actual kingdom mod at first and copied what I saw on a video and tried to create a portal with a square of water in the ground (Surround by things like flowers and tall grass) and sacrifice a diamond to active it. Nothing happened! I had a fairly good spawn point with a cave right near spawn and just mined straight down in a two-block width formation. usually on your way down doing this, you hope to run into a cave, I did not. I ended up just getting to bedrock, but there was something nice waiting there!:

So getting the diamond was easy! Three in total. After finding out the mod was no longer being developed I realised it was a fan version continuing the mod. It took three goes to install it, I wasn't getting the quest/contract as soon as I generated a world, but I realised it was because of SinglePlayerCommands, so I started again with a vanilla 1.2.4 and it was fine. I took my frst steps on my way to my new kingdom..

After a bit of explore around, the first thing I had to do was gather some wood and make a wooden sword to challenge one of the towns folk. After winning my fight I went to find a cave to get some stone and get some tools, torches and a furnace. Thankfully near the kingdom there is a bit that drops down and a cave in either direction:

One of these caves led onto an abandoned mine... It wasn't long before I got completely absorbed in it, and lost. The good thing however was that my gold coins collected went through the rough because of the number of mobs around! I think when I first returned to the Kingdom, I had something like 800+ gold coins. I couldn't find my way back so I just dug up at some point, luckily it came out not too far at all from both cave entrances.

Although a short post, this will be the tale of my kingdom, and my quest to rule them all!

1 comment:

  1. Here's to hoping you get more fun out of it than I did. It was fun grinding to advance, however once I got to where I could build my own kingdom... it kind of wore off. :/


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