Saturday, 28 January 2012

Not Supposed To Be Doing That!

Isn't it funny how easily distracted you can get in Minecraft?

I was on the Minecraft forums, as usual, and I saw another "Post a picture of your first home" thread. So I went into my old World#1 save, the one started in Alpha that remains untouched but has a W.I.P. underground home, and I found I had nothing! NADA! No wood, no tools, nothing, and there wasn't much useful in the chests either - both in the underground home or that terrible "first house". (The long wooden hut with the dirt roof.) I don't know if it's from when I had the extra inventory space mod and forgot to put things in a chest before changing jar versions (Causing you to lose your inventory in which case), but yeah, nothing. So I got distracted and went down the underground home, among other places checking chests, on the way down I passed this old corridor:

This is where I got distracted.

Whilst looking for things in chests, I also looked for a better wall material than that drab stone. I considered stone-brick but was like - "meh", with the old painterly pack - clay wouldn't be right either, nor brick. Cobble - meh, I had some coloured wool, some. I suppose I could have chosen snow, but I didn't really think about that at the time - one for another area perhaps? My choices were getting limited. Until I looked at sand and sandstone. Sand is sand, but the sandstone in this painterly pack gave the appearance of pillars, which game me an idea... Using sand as back walls and sandstone pillar columns.. Suddenly I was inspired and could see how nice it could look! I also realised it would need some re-configuration.

The "columns" as they were, next to the falls of water, had a chunks out of them for torches, which is when I realised that's where the sandstone pillars need to be - on both sides of the waterfalls, so they stuck out into the corridor and behind them were walls of sand. As I saw Glowstone in one chest, and plenty of it, I would utilize that too.

With a bit more lighting, snow or white wool ceiling, it could look really nice! Ugh, does this mean I'm picking this back up as well?! I guess so? Maybe. None of my worlds ever stay fully dead. And this original world is testament to that.

I really need to update this banner. :p

I got quite busy with this world the other night, and it all started way below in the mountain at the reed farm. Do you remember I was going to dig next door to it to create a cactus farm:

Well I started digging out a little room through that door hole. It's nothing spectacular at the moment, just the basic shell of the size of the room. Standard 10 x 10:

It was whilst creating this window that I looked out the back at the very base of the mountain and suddenly got an idea of where I could put some farms:

I'd already put an exit and some steps down to the outside. It'd take some clearing to be nice and flat, but there was a base level I could work with. After flattening the ground and putting up some fences and gates - after the grass had grown, I went animal hunting. Slowly I begun the very slow task or luring 2 of each animal back with wheat. I had to go a way to find animals too, so it was a long task!

After a few escaping chickens, don't even know how(!) I realised it wasn't enclosed enough and I might have to move them. I didn't want to do double height fencing, and the space for all farms was tight enough as it was. I needed more space, so I dug into one of the side walls.

That screen-shot is after the move, but you can see they went into a new dug out room in the side of that mountain. Some chickens were hard to get into the room though, because using wheat would also make the cows & pigs follow, so I couldn't get all of them in. It's a simple 10 x 10 room.

Ignore the hole in the ground for now, once I have more iron for buckets I'm going to fill it with water so they can have a little swim if they want.

Anyway to combat the problem of getting the other chickens in, and not pigs and cows, I dug another door shape to the left of the current door. I didn't want another door there, so I just created an entrance hole, but still pigs came in when using wheat to lure them in. So then, I blocked up the top of the hole so there was just the one block whole at ground level. Stopped cows, but still pigs came through! So I created this idea:

It's a very simple idea, it takes longer and more effort for a pig to squeeze through a gate, so essentially it's a pig stopper. Every time one of the chickens got near the fence I'd just let it in, and didn't have to use any wheat to lure them. I get so many eggs that I just keep spamming the chickens with them for babies! Need more cows and pigs though. At the moment it still needs a bit of interior design but it's functional and helped remove that fence penning of the chickens. I just let the cows and pigs share the one big pen.

I also started a traditional log/glass roof for the main house, but it's early days yet. The cactus room will need finishing and maybe a clean-up of walls around the farms, the inside walls of chicken pen. I am on my way however, to being fully efficient in providing multiple ways of feeding myself. After the initial farm things are finished off, and the cactus farm is done I'll work fully on the roof as you get soaked at the moment when it rains!

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