Tuesday, 7 June 2011

That's A Very Nice Storage Room You Have There...

A tale of new paths, boardwalk & graveyard connected walk, new caves, a new room and a Creeper invasion...

Went exploring using the "fly" mode to try and find a cave for Lapis, Diamonds, new dungeons and other things. (I still haven't set sight on any coca beans let alone cookies). Mission log: FAIL. I didn't really find any decent caves, although I did find some more clay on the way, though I've yet to dig it out. When I returned, I went to explore one of my older caves. Now, there's one area of the lava pools far, far, below my base where the lava just gushes out the sides of the walls. Up to now, I just cobbled around these dangerous parts, never to mine around them because it's too dangerous. I think it's due to different level floors - lava on a floor slightly higher up behind a wall, me - dig in wall lava gushes out. I did manage to find 4 diamonds however! Which either meant a pick and a spade or a sword and  axe if I found 1 more diamond, hopefully two more. I did not. I was digging and hit lava behind a wall, again. I couldn't retreat in time. (Standing right next to lava.)

When i returned I had lost most of my stuff but thankfully the wood (logs), the diamond sword and two remaining diamonds were just on the side! The other stuff can be replaced - the coal, iron tools, clock. I only brought the essentials with me anyway. The only think I was a bit miffed about losing was the mushrooms and wheat. Alas I have farms for both so they're recoverable as well. Will try and find more diamond around there, so I can get an diamond axe, spade and finally a pick. 

Last night I had been thinking about doing something on the sand outside my fence boundries where the cactus used to be, it looks empty since removing them. I wasn't sure what though. I stood on the sand for a while looking for inspiration when I looked at the wooden stairs/short wooden pathway up to the graveyard. As it was, it was one wooden step width, suddenly I got the idea to make it two with and do an an adjoining wooden boardwalk that connected to the other one which would also mean more half-steps at the side and torched under the glass.

This isn't a good picture, but it's the only one I have post-cacti removal;

So the path would continue from that sharp right angle of the board-walk, across to the first wooden steps that lead up to the graveyard.

After the work:

As you can see, the pictures show it better than I can explain. It snakes off and goes around and up to the stairs by the well & graveyard. I also decided to be conservative with the torches, which meant digging up the sand by the old board walk to fix the old ones. Before, they were just a long row of torches, side by side in a long line under glass, now there's a torch - three spaces then another torch. More spaced out, more mood lighting. I got the idea to do this for the new one so had to fix the old ones to match, which was fun. All work was done during the night and I had to fight of a few zombies and skeletons in the process! As well as one of these!:

I've not seen a spider jockey for a very long time! Bit of a blast from the past. I was trying to take this picture with half a heart, having caught myself on cacti when multiplying their coverage out the back beyond the well & graveyard. Yes, I did die, just to get this picture!

In other news I was taking a shortcut again, going from the front of the mountain to the rear side where the tennis courts and swimming pool can be found and got an idea. Basically this unofficial shortcut means going up the wooden stairs to the side of the front of the mountain, as if going to the bedroom round the front, but instead of going up the grassy steps for the final journey to said bedroom, cutting across over a few natural grass blocks to go round the side to the tennis/pool area. Anyway as I am always taking this short cut I thought I might as well make an official path! I took plenty of gravel and cobble to smelt and make half steps, connecting it from the outside wooden stairs (To the bedroom) around the side of the mountain connecting with the gravel path that links the rear lounge/path the outside of the public garden/alongside the tennis courts and into the stairs down to the dinning hall.

The new path from the bottom of the dirt/grass steps outside the bedroom:

Round the corner:

Adjoining the other path. (The new path being the left side one.):

Following this I went to the man made dungeon (of sorts, it was really a small cave), at the bottom of my storage room. I had lost all my arrows in the lava incident too, so decided to go zombie killing, and whatever else came along, in the dungeon. It did not go well! No sooner had I pulled the lever for the iron door and stepped through, when two creepers came towards me! I backed up as I tried to scroll to my Diamond sword. I couldn't get to it in time and they were right on top of me. I backed away further but mis-clicked and missed the lever to shut the door - they followed me through. Now I now what you're thinking - diamond sword - no problem right? Unfortunately they were right in my storage room and I couldn't risk them blowing up my chests. Tactical retreat - tactical retreat!

Dey' go boom..

Or at least one did and it took the other with him. 

I got back quick as trying to make chests with a full inventory from now what's all over the storage room floor, and the clock is ticking! I managed to save the wood chest, the general materials chest (Clay,dirt, sand/sandstone, gravel, glass, snow and clay.) and two out of the four chests of cobblestone. I lost two full double chests of cobblestone however, leaving me just the one double chest & half. (Half-full double chest.)

As you can see I have repaired it but the left side of the wall is missing the decoration and two double chests of cobble! :-/ Since posting this I've to empty restored the left side, including two empty chests. It also gave me the opportunity to move the work-bench, the general chest - slightly, and move the wood double chest way from opposite the door and around the corner. Slight re-organization. I've already fill one empty double chest half-way from cobble from mining and the new room. I got a bit dispondant at losing all that cobble I must admit. Two full double chests of legit cobblestone from mining. :-/

Oh yes! The new room!

Not sure how it came about really, I was just looking at the blank wall of sand opposite the window & front doors, and remembering when a door hole shape, used to be there back in the original Alpha days. (Back when the door hole shape led down to the original first mines which turned into the storage room it is today.) I realised I might have enough room for a small room wedged in there, so thought I'd try - even with no idea what it would be.

So where those steps and door are, was just sand like the rest of the wall.

It's kind of a small little office, with a bit of a splash of funky colour. I kept whistling the cheesy US "presidential theme" that you see in movies, mostly comedies when it skips to the US President. Don't know why, it's not exactly the Oval office! The odd rectangular shape really is determined by the surrounding areas. The right wall as you enter backs onto the corridor walkway by the front doors, I couldn't go too far that way. The left walls as you enter - I couldn't go to far across or I'd be in the dinning hall! And behind the "desk", if I had dug further back I'd be out the side of the mountain. So the shape really, really, was determined by the surrounding rooms. It was a nice little escape though, a distraction from the creeper incident.

I also dug through the dirt wall facing the first set of stairs down to the lava pools, now I have an interior entrance to the dog kennel outside. (With double doors and a trapdoor system to stop the dogs wandering further down the stairs to the lava pools. Works like a hatch drawbridge but with one side for Redstone as it's embedded in the wall.)

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