Sunday, 12 December 2010

Ch-Ch-Ch- Changes...

So I haven't posted in a while because I've run out of ideas for my world#2. The only times I've really been playing it is when I've had an idea, but there have been a few small changes. They're just improvements really, that will reflect in the following pictures. First off - the gravel paths. I love this HD texture pack but the gravel has never quite looked right for me, but I used it for paths because silly me likes the sound of gravel under foot when walking on paths. With the new release of the texture pack - it looks better, but I'm not sure I'm ready for using it for paths again yet. Weeks ago, I therefore changed all gravel paths to stone paths.

The second big thing is - low level security fencing. I got this idea because I was round the back of the mountain and I thought, "I always come towards this place when I re-spawn, a nice 1 block cobble wall would be nice.." Which led to the idea of using low-level fencing to secure a new perimeter around the outside of my mountain base/home. So it goes all around from the back of the mountain by the wooden bridge, all around the side of the mountain a good 4 - 5 bocks away from the path, all the way round to the front. Of course I'll always get creepers, skeletons and zombies on the actual mountain but it's proved very good as a perimeter of keeping them out as they naturally can't jump over. There are a couple of gaps to get in and therefore weak spots for them, but on the whole it works.

Lastly - no more farm house, *sniff* The whole farming is nice and making bread, but I have plenty of mushrooms from the nether to make soup and restore 5 hearts as opposed to bread's 2.5(?) hearts. SO it kind of makes farming, growing bread, and that outside farm house - redundant. It was a sad day taking that apart, and for ages I didn't have the heart to take the glass roof down, so it stayed there floating in mid air for a while. Thought it would of made a great floor, but couldn't think of a useful room, and that was also a sore point of the farm house, I tried and tried to think of an alternative use for the room, but just couldn't. Briefly I tried to use the glass roof as a platform and build a creeper monument out of glass on top of it with the roof acting now as a floor or base platform, but that didn't work out either.

Other smaller things: no more door to outside mines, an extra door and rejuvenated stairs has been added, the extra stairs now being in the front room. Lightstone has finished being added to the fountain, though it still isn't lit enough for me - might have an idea for that though. In the rear viewing room at the back of the mountain, that's the high up one with the outside veranda, the skylights are now double width for extra light. Extra torches outside, proper stairs down to mines set #2 (mentioned above) and the struts for the cobble bridge across the ocean, now go down into the water instead of being just attached to the sides and going up.

I have however, run out of ideas. I don't really want to start yet another world, especially as I love this place, but ideas are very low now. Help?

Here are the pictures:

The new security fencing and stone paths

Another little look-out point now thanks to some low-level fencing.

No More Farm House

Back Bedroom Door
The lesser seen back bedroom door, perhaps a few trees and flowers might be in order to freshen it up.

Rear View of back Viewing Room + Veranda

Example of Stone Path

Back Doors to Rear Of Mountain

I don't think I ever posted a picture of the remodeled back area doors, now double doors and symmetrical dirt steps aiding the aesthetic of the wooden stairs. To the left of the stream, the coal in the wall has long been gone and everything squared off and matching - material wise. After an accidental flood, the waterfall was re-done as well, and I have finally just fixed the bottom of the waterfall where the water fills - which was uneven and chunky due to a creeper explosion. I see by the cross hair I need to replace some cobble with dirt though!


Dynamic Lighting

I did this with the wooden house in world #1, except it was a window of four glass, it makes for much more dynamic lighting in the daytime. Instead of singluar strips, the skylights are now double width.

Front Room

Same as it ever was, apart from the lightstone in the ceiling to try to get some extra light. That door by the furnace is the new door in the room though, and now leads to the set of mines #2 where the previous door was outside. Had a lot of fun (not), trying to re-do the stairs to join the other ones coming from the other direction.

Until next time.

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Light changes..

 So as I plan a build (On my creative copy) for the horrible chunk error wall next tot the hotel at the Chunk Plaza development, i've be...

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