Back in Beta 1.72, I started a new world where I spawned on a beach opposite a very strange strange stilted land in the ocean. For when I saw this odd looking land I thought to myself "I must build up there" and slowly over time it went from a log and sand walled building to a more medieval style home:
Who wouldn't want to build up there? |
Last year I discovered the Conquest mod, so I went all out and used both the texture pack and the shader from it to get an even more medieval feel, adding paintings that looked like banners, doors that if you left an empty block above looked like a very old medieval pointy castle door . After this however, apart from extending some of the land back and starting to build an old fashioned stable I was running out of ideas.
Sans default textures. |
Conquest resource pack 1.13, before changes. |
After changes |
Currently, I am about to work on a new roof! |
So with the changes, I had become very tired of the white at the top - as traditional as it may have been. Instead I have chosen polished diorite as it is enough different from the cobblestone on the lower level. I don't like now how all the logs have this moss effect on them unless you take connected textures off, so am trying to get used to that. Some windows on the right hand side have moved about so they're more aligned and all have spruce trapdoor window shutters now. The old triangular roof had to go also. All oak timbers were turned into dark oak logs, the bottom borders of the upper level becoming dark oak bark blocks.
I'm undecided about how the roof should look, but it will be a major improvement. I also forgot I had a portal in a cave by the spawn point and built a new one in the cave closer to the come on the beach shore line. Travelling as far as I could in the Nether, all the way to a nether fortress; I build a portal inside the Nether so I could get to a 1.13 chunk. I brought back kelp, raided underwater ruins and two ships with mediocre loot, and discovered three ocean monuments!
Some other pictures:
Ye olde bridge |
Yes, that back wall has yet to be transformed into polished Diorite. |
The enchantment area was added only a few days ago. |
With data packs, I'm using the same ones as my main world :- smelt rotten flesh to leather, craft more stairs, craft more trapdoor, anti-Enderman griefing and coal to ink (Actually 2 coal + 2 charcoal = ink).
I'm pleased with the way it's going, the roof will be stairs and mixed in blocks for texture, with an underhang, possibly window produments coming up from the roof, and there's still detailing and plenty of things to do inside.