Wednesday, 30 April 2014

New World Generation // More World 2 Info

So when the terrain sliders were first introduced, this is way before they were actually in the game; I was very dismissive about them. For me at the time, it just seemed to be pandering to all these constant complainers about the terrain generation, so when this new feature came out in Minecraft, initially I was not that bothered.

I decided to try it though, and my first attempt wasn't very remarkable - mainly due to the fact I didn't notice the "Next Page" in the top right hand corner. When I did though, I had one other funny spawn when I spawned in the ocean and the water height was so high - I was literally half-a-heart away just as I got under the surface. I shall continue to try new world attempts though, but in my non-attempt that I first mentioned I did come across a nice little isolated mountain that I decided to make a home or base in. (Not sure which yet.)

As you can see I made some dirt stairs up to where I thought would be a good entrance would be and a small little bridge going in, made of granite. Well Dorite, polished Dorite. I had ramped up the dungeons however from the 7 it was set to default as, to 50, as soon as I got into the mountain it dropped into caves and there was a dungeon around the corner! A skeleton one, so now i have an armory of sorts with a never-ending supply of bows and arrows to grind.

As the cave dipped down it also ran into a ravine! Not just one, but a double dip ravine!  I got lots of Lapis, iron, little bit of gold, loads of coal, 5 diamonds and 4 emeralds so far! I think I'll make this more of a "base" than a home. Functional rather than aesthetic.

First ravine:

It wasn't very interesting though, unlike....

Second ravine, just below it:

I also have a little farm going on outside the back of the mountain, just a "Starting farm" for now. The crop on it's own is potato main: wheat.

Strangely excited for this world!

Main world, survival. Begun in 2010 in Alpha, I found a mountain with a hollow front and lava pouring down the front, round the back a single block waterfall coming out of the wall.. I decided it was a nice place to make a home! In 2012 after 2 years and developing my building style I began a mass re-generation scheme of my world, inside and outside. This is the story of my main world...

To stop myself from getting too bored with my "Big projects" on my main world, I occasionaly take breaks and switch to another project, which is what I have done here. So for now, I've taken a little pause on the new tower for Mount DOOOOOooooom. Last time, I was about to do the final top floor and roof of the new tower, and where I left it - I've just started the roof. I have however added the window ledges (Upside down cobble steps) and the security walls around them (Cobble fences) to stop me falling out - so with those it's certainly looking very different now! At least however, it's not as bland as it used to be.

So I've switched to another project, well two, for a while and the main one was finally getting back to the half-way house development! (Home inside a big hole in a chunk border.) Last time I had extended to the sides, left and right of the chunk wall, and made them part of the house:

I said I was going to add a roof overhang over each side to make it better, so I got busy chopping down lots of spruce trees nearby to make the stairs and this is the result:

A big improvement! You'll notice I turned one set of windows: two wide | three wide | two wide, into one big window and that's because the window shutters were sat right next to each other and it didn't look good. There wasn't room to space out the windows more, and reducing would've made it a three | one | three combination, and I did not want a one-width in the middle! Due to low light and shaders, there was a small bit of damage inside by the stairs up when a creeper spawned, I patched it up though and although I didn't look at any previous pictures I can't tell the difference. Think I got it spot on.

That's not all however!

I did say 2 projects, as a new one opened up. I started thinking about a second minecart ride, this one going to the half-way house as it's always quite a lug over. Okay I do have more horses now after breeding, (Did I mention I did that a long while ago too? I acquired a new horse after the usual 5000+ Minecraft mile journey and named him Artax. I then bred him but the fowl is yet unnamed.) So I do have horses but what gave me the idea was this strange splodge of mountain behind the main mountains that lie behind the swimming pool and tennis court round the back. It's always been strange, and over the years I've wanted to do something with it but wasn't sure what. I leveled out bits but it's been the same more or less for the last almost 4 years:

So that strange squared of blob of a mountain that has been nothing for years will become a minecart station. I've used the 5 block width of the front as the basis of the width of the tunnel leading from it - all the way through the mountain to the back of my home.

So here's the back of my mountain home:

Then if you turn around, here's the very long tunnel that leads to the minecart station

It doesn't stop there however. I've tested this on my creative copy of the world, and beyond the proposed minecart station the rail/tunnel will continue from there, through various chunk borders (! Making them useful!) all the way to my Half-way house! In the creative version, I couldn't have planned it better if I had actually planned it! Some of the areas where it goes through the chunk borders are perfect and it comes out right by the half-way house! If I had planned it, (I was just following my instinct), it may not have been as good. But it's what gave me the push to do it in my survival world!

It took between an hour & half - two hours just to dig the first part of the tunnel and the next part after the minecart station will take even long but will be soooo worth it! It will also take tonnes of iron for the rails but hey-ho.

So that's what's keeping me busy!

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

The Update Thread

Main world, survival. Begun in 2010 in Alpha, I found a mountain with a hollow front and lava pouring down the front, round the back a single block waterfall coming out of the wall.. I decided it was a nice place to make a home! In 2012 after 2 years and developing my building style I began a mass re-generation scheme of my world, inside and outside. This is the story of my main world...

The BIG push! 
I've been working very hard lately on making a major push to the "big projects" on this world. in an attempt to get them done or really get somewhere with them.

Firstly is the apartment block. After changes to the decor on the outside and adding more enhancements (Log trimming, window hatches and window sills) it became abandoned a bit again. When I looked again I realized although I had done the log trim on all 4 sides, I only did the extras (mentioned) on the front side, so I set to work growing spruce trees in the apartment block's back yard so I could give the other three sides their window hatches and window sills. (Trap-doors and upside down stairs respectively.)

Yes I realise I've missed one bot or log trim and window shutters!

I still have the back of that new roof I was doing to finish off, but that's because I changed the top penthouse ceiling from snow to wool like all the other floors, and that was a feat! (It has snow walls so snow ceiling as well would not be good. The rest now includes making sure each floor has a better bathroom and kitchen.

The other big thing I've been pushing, is phase #2 of the underwater/underground minecart tunnel - decoration. Phase #1 (Underwater) had either end decorated with sandstone walls with colored carpet running through the middle (Named the "Green line". For the "Red Line" of the redecoration of the underground tunnels I decided not to use sandstone. It's a pain getting it (Long way away) and they you have to convert it into sandstone and it's very resource hungry. I switched instead to the more natural stone-brick. And as I have many double chests full of cobble I might as well put it to use! So I've been smelting like mad and redecorating the rest of the tunnels all the way to Mount. DOOoooooooom!

Just the red wool to fill in now, and it's done!

Speaking of
Mount. DOOoooooooom(!) I've been busy on that as well. Here is a picture back in the day:

When I changed the front tower from ladders up to stairs (Taking up almost all of the inside of the tower itself.:

Just this week:

Yes, no tower at all! Besides that the fact that I am also using shaders full time for this world now (like-wise for world #1: underground home and world #3), the whole stairs in the tower thing wasn't really working for me at all. So, literally this Easter weekend I stood on the roof and demolished it top to bottom so I can rebuild it! I noticed that whilst it was only 8 blocks across width, it was only 7 blocks across the other way, so I evened it out and began building again in all weathers. No big fat bit in the middle this time, and I've rounded the corners off so they're diagonal:

A straight tower, the next level up will be the final one and slightly protruding out from the tower. (IE a bit bigger.) As you can see, at the base I've also extended  a wall back from the stairs up onto the sand, to try and hide some of that nasty chunk border wall. I think I will continue this round by the stairs, along and round the corner; so there's an "Inner" fort wall like the main outside one. Also, (After trying it out on my creative copy of the world); I will make that back building that's very high up and set back from the front tower, double height. I tried on my creative copy and liked it, so will implement it on survival, I have the cobble I've horded the the past 3 years 7 months.

This time, to get up the tower; I've built stairs again but on the outside this time! Round the back though as obviously there will be lava flowing down round the front, so they've tucked away round the back and go up one side to each level. This also means plenty of room inside the tower now with the stairs removed to the exterior!

I've also been in the kitchen and dinning room! Back in (2012/2013?) when I raised the dinning room ceiling up 2 blocks and I gave it a completely new look, I didn't add the sky-lights back in. This was a choice and done on purpose. I thought it'd be alright with lots of glowstone and some torches - but it was not. It was far to dark in the day, So working from the ground above the dinning room (As I have lots of paths up there so doing it from below would mean lots of holes in unwanted places); I brought back the sky-lights.

The above picture is day time and already the different is quite noticable! A few dark patches still but very light! With the kitchen - even though it's only half done, I implimented it here as well with the same size in each corner:

Forgive the snow on the ground, I have put a snow golem to work for the snow blocks I need for the ceiling. With that said, I'm likekly to change the wall deco now completetly.

Yes we have a banner now!

Not much to report here, but the major change was turning the outside that I done, from dark Oak planks to the surrounding spruce tree planks in the Mega Taiga. This is because I only have two dark oak trees and being in the middle of a Mega Taiga, the spruce trees are everywhere!

The future living room ceiling is completed with wool now (just need glowstone for lighting!), so I have started the upstairs.

Still a long way to go however.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Hauling A** On World#3!

Poor little abandoned World #3.

Started in Beta,  abandoned when I got bored of it, then badly damaged by Ogres in a Minecraft mod back in 2013.. There was salvation however, when I took the opportunity to rebuild the entire things from scratch, in a new modern design after knocking the previous building down. As you know I got so far with it but then...

Okay I didn't abandon it I just got side-tracked, I always meant to come back to it!

So it's been a while since I properly touched and have done anything to this world. When we last left it it was still very much in the early stages of having the lower floor done - turning outside temporary dirt walls to white hardened clay. As it looked: 



It started out just making a few adjustments, but then I spent a large amount of time traveling to discover new chunks. The main reason I went out in the first place however was for clay. I needed a lot more to get some work done on changing those temporary dirt walls to hardened clay. (White.)  I came back, built the walls up replacing the dirt so it was all level to the upper floor, and started there when I ran out again. Went for another trip, It wasn't overly successful. I did come back with some Dark Oak saplings so I can grow my own more nearer by, and I can back with a stack of each of the three granite types however. Came back with a lot of clay however and managed to complete two whole walls upstairs!

 The more I stepped back and looked at the roof however, the more I really started to not like the spruce planks/stairs against the pinkish  white hardened clay. It's then I started getting ideas about changing the roof completely. I now had Dark Oak, but it would mean completely re-doing the entire roof. (Still an option). Even though I was meant to be going to bed, I ended up doing to the roof. I don't like how (Above), the end of the roof is that way round facing out over the column wall. So my idea was to just continue it length ways all the way along - as seen in the roof towards the top right of the picture. I also didn't like the way it did the same in the picture before the above one, round that side. Or the little squatty roof over the glass-framed section of the building. Although it took a very long time, I think it looks better now than it did.

It was missing something as well so I built a stone-brick (With Netherrack) chimney. I also made a copy of this world (Also my main world and world#1) for 1.7.2. It's a version down but these copies are for me testing out Sonic's Unbelievable Shaders:

Clearer day, view despite the awful weather!:

Whilst on my Creative Shaders copy, I made a few subtle changes, such as the slab roof on the brick building, but it didn't stop there...

Before long I was changing things to how I envisioned, making lots of changes and finally working out the layout and what the pink (White hardened clay) room should be! So pleased was I that today, after taking lots of pictures last night, have begun the work properly and legit in my survival world!


The white triangular building now has a bit of an overhang roof ledge, finally resolved that problem, the raised brick wall is almost corrected and the brick building has it's slab roof. You can see what I mean here about just taking the roof longways all the way along. I'm a bit worried it ruins some of the shape of the buildings though(?) as the grey (Stone-brick) rectangular one is now roofed.


The upper long window, has been split into two now and you can see clearly when I've got up too on the hardened clay extravaganza. Need to get even more clay now. The new roof does cut of the really big sky-light on the white building, (Not seen here), but I checked inside and enough light still gets through, so it's all good.

Inside I've been making a number of changes already. The old empty main room with the paintings, will become the new huge kitchen diner:



In the hallway I got rid of the dirt arch, an extra wall there isn't really needed.

I'll tidy this up and hide the dirt layer and side of the above floor with brick, when I get more clay.

In the other hallway a minor change but more of a pattern to make it a little less bland:

The main living room (With even more windows - some on to hallways) is starting to look a little lived in now and less minimal:

Upstairs, things are starting to change now as new temporary walls are put up to start dividing the large upstairs space:

This area will be the new 2nd bedroom once closed in:

As you can see, I've really gotten back into this world big time! I'm going to have to go out clay hunting again, but now I've got the hunger for this world again!

Light changes..

 So as I plan a build (On my creative copy) for the horrible chunk error wall next tot the hotel at the Chunk Plaza development, i've be...

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