Monday, 31 March 2014

MAIN WORLD: Three Month Update! Part #4

Main world, survival. Begun in 2010 in Alpha, I found a mountain with a hollow front and lava pouring down the front, round the back a single block waterfall coming out of the wall.. I decided it was a nice place to make a home! In 2012 after 2 years and developing my building style I began a mass re-generation scheme of my world, inside and outside. This is the story of my main world...

Last Updates & Future Ideas/Plans 

In the last chapter of my three month update, when I didn't blog, I'm shall cover the more extensive projects of the re-generation of this world and future ideas and plans.

One of the major projects has been the underwater/underground minecart tunnel. When it used to be on the surface of the ocean - next to the bridge, the water to the far right froze up as the biome changed to the more snowy kind. So the only way out for the boats was the left side of the bridge, which was blocked off by the surface minecart tracks. (Blocks of wood over the ocean surface with rails.) For this reason, I demolished it and started digging under the bridge for part one of the underground tunnel - being underwater, part #2 being underground all the way to Mount DOOOOoooooom.

 When I last posted about this, I had 97% or done of Phase #1 (Underwater tunnel part) done; with just some finishing off to do. In the three months I didn't post I finished decorating either end of phase #1, the end of which being at the other side of the ocean by the church; and finally glassed over the rest of the roof so that both sides of the tunnel and roof are now completely surrounded by the water.

Yes, I need to get rid of that last little bit of dirt above!

 I'm not sure if I'll decorate the rest of the underground tunnel ( To Mount DOOOOoooooom.) in the same way - except red wool instead of green, it does take a lot of sand for the sandstone.

With  Mount DOOOOoooooom, I finally began the great conversion and started surrounding the place with a cobble wall. When I first found this mountain behind the one by the church is was a strange lumpy shape with two dirt spires on one of the tops and it reminded me of something out of Lord Of The Rings:

It also had chunk borders on some of it's sides, but nevertheless; I was inspired by it's shape to make it a tower. I got so far with it and done some building work and it remained like this for a very, very long time:

Which was fine, despite the dangerous stairs leading up you could just fall over the side, and the narrow single stairs inside. I always said though, that one of the very last projects I would do was this one. The plan was to make a big stone brick wall around it and turn every dirt block into stone as well. Well it has begun. The stone is now cobble though. Originally I was trying to keep the shape of the original mountain as much as possible but I have found this very impractical. Inside the front tower the ladders up have been replaced with stairs, which doesn't leave much room, and this is why I just need to build it as I wish now. 

You can tell in picture #1 that the structure of the main, front tower has changed to fit the stairs. This is but the base shape however, lacking details and decoration. I have a nice wall going around it and may extend into another "Chunk corner" unseen round the back. The stairs going up to the tower are now all double width with safety walls in between, but the biggest difference is at the top of those stairs. There's now a flat area where I leveled off a section both across and taken the walls of the mountain back.

Still a lot of work to do of course, but that's not all. I might make the church double height as well. Tried it on my creative copy of my world and liked it. I still have the barn (Former pub) to finish, get some more horses, mate them. Decorate the enchantment room and finish the kitchen in the dining room once and for all as well as the inside rooms of the apartment block!

Should I make this double height?

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Time to move on up!

Podzol home 2014
So things have moved on quite a bit with my home in the Mega Taiga biome. The last time I posted it still had dirt walls and stone-brick interior corner walls and looked a little something like this:

At the moment the floor is currently the same but I have made a corridor from the entrance (Far right door above), making the back room much bigger. This room, once the bed and all the sheep are removed will be the main living room. So since then I have gone for a traditional look with the walls with snow walls - employing the help of a snow golem, and log borders  and timbers in the walls.

The first snow golem de-spawned (or melted?!) as the roof was still being done and the rain was getting in.  It was then a race to finish the ceiling so I bred more and more sheep in my future living room to get the job done and enclose the lower floor from the weather. I think I need to add some paintings on the wall, maybe some plant pots here and there. (I have some clay.) Have given the floor a bit of a border as well.

The only problem with the interior log borders is it that it shows above the exterior polished Andesite borders. So I've had to add an extra exterior wall around some walls to hide this. I have a feeling I might have to do this with the outside of the kitchen walls as well when I change them to something else - and it won't be snow.

Here is the new size living room:

The kitchen is looking a bit more kitchen like as well:

I need to get more Glowstone to eradicate torches, and as soon as the ceiling in the living room is done I can begin building upstairs so I can eventually move the bed out of the living room where it temporarily is.

So lots of work to do but things are certainly moving on!

Friday, 7 March 2014

Dawn Of The Third Age (Library)

Main world, survival.
Begun in 2010 in Alpha, I found a mountain with a hollow front and lava pouring down the front. Around the back a single block waterfall trickled out of the wall.. I decided it was a nice place to make a home! In 2012 after 2 years and developing my building style I began a mass re-generation scheme of my world, inside and outside. This is the story of my main world...

I know, I know! This isn't the part#4 update but there has been a development recently, one of a few, and I have been feverishly beginning yet another re-furb of the library in my main world!

It only started as adding a bit of a border around the basic oak plank floor, just to make it a bit more interesting. I went googling however and poured over pictures of "Modern libraries" as I was starting to go off the traditional wood walls/floor look. This isn't the first incarnation however. Since 2012, January 2012 to be specific, I've been trying to redecorate in a way that's appealing to me, and at least I finally think I've found a scheme I like.

Originally it wasn't even a library, it was an art gallery until I swapped the rooms around; and before that - it was just a boring looking cave that went back round on itself. After levelling out walls, ceilings and the like, and carving out areas where I would have stairs; I would have the basic shape for an art gallery. As cobblestone was the easiest resource to build with, I just went round retro-fitting all the walls with cobblestone:

Cobblestone and the then brown-ish poo colored oak floor.. (Painterly texture pack as it still is today.) In January 2012 I began experimenting with the room, in a bid to regenerate everything as my building style was changing. The original idea was a mixture of snow walls and coloured walls, this was long before the dyed and being able to dye; hardened clay however, so colored walls literally only meant one thing - wool. So on my creative copy of the world I got to work:

Then I changed the idea to brick, but it would need too much clay so I used the old idea and changed it a little to some brick walls, some colored walls:

After trying this in survival, it just didn't work for me and was left for a very long time unfinished. Sometime last year I picked it up again and decided to give it an old' world style look with a traditional oak floor and wooden walls - bottom half spruce planks and the top half jungle planks. Until the other day that's how it remained, all the walls were done I just had to finish the bookcases.

As I said, I got sick of the wood and started adding a border of dark oak planks to the edge of the floor to try and make it a bit more interesting. Then I went and did a massive search on Google for "Modern libraries" and decided on a whole new look! Naturally, I tried it on my creative copy of my world first where the biggest change was an extension, just of the reading corner, a new overhanging veranda and new stairs to the upstairs of said extension.

As you can see change is starting to happen! Wood walls are being replaced with a mixture of snow blocks and spruce logs, we have a new balcony and as well as the dark oak border the oak is being replaced with Acacia planks.

The site for the extension, with entrances 1) for the lower floor (by the reading corner) and on the landing around the corner. This area will be excavated out.

So yeah, a lot of work to do, getting rid of all those wood walls and excavating a brand new extension, should keep me busy!

Light changes..

 So as I plan a build (On my creative copy) for the horrible chunk error wall next tot the hotel at the Chunk Plaza development, i've be...

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