Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Revisiting World 1 V1.1

So I revisited this world recently, (See: Here) and did a few things like adding another row to the farm allowing for pumpkins to grow now. Speaking of farms, I also did the last few blocks of the cactus farm floor and the walls so I can go some cacti:

Also with so many white sheep I finally decided to make my sheep farm full of coloured sheep, mainly because I need the grey wool to finish of the floor so I can add furniture:

I also want to finish the bathroom:

And the bedroom:

I've still got me tree farm outside the side of the house so I want to prioritize getting most of the roof done. I also want to build a portal nearer to this home, I have one already, but it's far away on mountain #3.

Friday, 13 July 2012

More Thoughts on World#2 Re-Generation

For a little while I've been thinking about re-doing the dinning room... It's perfectly fine as it is, but it has a very industrial feel with it's little servery and line separation railings. I want to make it more "Residential" more  "Homely" like a proper home dining hall you might find in a big posh manor house. Admittedly, Thoughts of the first modern Batman film back in 1989 ("Can you pass the salt?!"), before the new trilogy today, sprung to mind. I wanted to redecorate, have big chandeliers from the ceiling etc. This would mean raising the ceiling level however.

So this is how it is currently:

I turned on my creative version of this save, aka "World#2 In da Future", and started digging into the roof, and this will be the new height of the room:

It will be one block lower however for the snow ceiling, because, as you can see I'm right under the side of the mountain near the back. (The "Back-yard" so to speak, before the tennis court and swimming pool.) I don't think I'm gonna keep the skylights either. I'll re-think the decoration, although I do like the soul-sand, and it will get a completely new floor, and one very long dining table! I was gonna put a little kitchen in the corner, but have decided against it. Instead I've explored the idea of putting an industrial kitchen behind the very back wall of the dinning room:

It's under the ground level of the outside, so there's plenty of room just to dig into the mountain. Here there is room enough for a 15 block width (from dinning room back wall to far wall) x 10 width, industrial kitchen.

One problem, obviously the new dining hall height level removes alot of the ground above it, I.E. that "Back-yard" on the surface. Having tested this in creative though, and completing a snow ceiling, I have found I can landscape and put a layer of grass over it, slightly raising the ground level outside. The other good thing, is it gives me a chance to re-do paths, gave me a new idea for a way down to the tennis court and a way to make the paths slightly more attractive with a side border.

I am also getting rid of the cobble sky-walk up to the creeper face:

It serves no purpose and I've gone off it. Not sure about the bit around the mountain yet. The creeper face itself will remain, but will be changed to dirt to blend into the mountain. I also want to remove the minecart track going across the sea. Although you can now get a boat back in the latest patch when you destroy it, the track stops boats leaving, and if you head the other side, ice stops you. I would like to have the minecart track go through a glass tunnel - under the sea directly below the bridge! That'd be awesome and much better, but again a big, BIG project!

Tuesday, 10 July 2012


I'm at a cross-roads in Minecraft.

I've given up the will to find Lapis for my 1.9.5 world, and am getting a bit bored with it to be honest. (My modern home in a mountain.) I might put that on hold for a bit. As for World #2, it's not worth making blogs about as I am making a YouTube series around it. Currently I am editing episode #3 but it's 47 minutes long! Therefore it will be split into episodes #3 and #4. I recorded episode #4 this morning (What will now be episode #5?), but eventually I noticed by headset control had flipped over on the desk. When I stopped recording I saw it had turned itself on, and muted me at some point.

I haven't even looked to see where yet. I might have to do a post-dub. :(

So I really don't know what to do yet. Not starting another world until 1.3 release on August 1st, and right now ad-fly is also being a pain. I keep getting this thing when clicking an ad-fly ling, wanting to install some sort of down-loader manager called livid. I try it but it's an arse. I think you they now want you to register with ad-fly to down-load anything? So no texture packs or mod upgrades as most people use-ad-fly. Speaking of 1.3, a lot of people are getting excited about it but meh I dunno. I suppose it's because I've been trying the snapshots.

I suppose I could continue my underground home on world#1? I did have a idea which I started on a new world (Creative) and that's creating a home in a ravine./ Should I post this? The ravine in question, is an underground one that follows from a cave, so you can't actually see it on the surface. it'd certainly be an unconventional home.

Lastly I had to cancel last Sunday's live-stream due to tiredness and some issue in that thing called "Real-life", at the moment. Might do one this Sunday however.

Light changes..

 So as I plan a build (On my creative copy) for the horrible chunk error wall next tot the hotel at the Chunk Plaza development, i've be...

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