Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Jimmy NOOOOOOOOOoooooo!

Well that didn't last long.

It was such a stupid and senseless death as well! It was getting dark out side and I was right outside my house trying to get back in, there was a creeper... I managed to doge him and get to the front door but a Skeleton was nearby, I wasn't sure if I got his attention or not though. Then as you can see I did something stupid, I looked out the front door to see if I had got his attention, not even stepping outside and he got me. One hit! One arrow and it was all over!

I had really started to like this place as well! I had just completed the log border for the upper floor which stuck out a bit over the bottom floor and was really looking forward to developing the top. I might recreate this house in one of the worlds, but for now it will only exist as a memory within this blog. :( *tear.

Now however, it's on...

This is literally where I spawned, not ideal - right next to an outdoor lava pool. Instead of wandering for this hardcore world, I instantly wanted to glass over that lava pool and use it as a lava floor for a house! So I've build right on spawn this time, no travelling. it's on this time! Gonna beat my level 12 experience, gonna beat my 335 score! No doing silly risks this time however!

Not gonna be a basement here though! Might have to add an extension, and the farms will definitely have to be outside:

Nice big, long bay windows on either side.

I also lost all the stuff I had on me in World2, it was my own fault though. I took loads of cobblestone to fix the lava stream on Mount DOOOoooooom(!), I knew it was a bad idea from the start... As you can imagine I died, one my a bog who sprouted from nowhere, and pushed me into lava,  then just... lava.. The good thing that came from it though, is that there is a cave just a few yards away from the Church on the other side. I started to dig down in step formation (Having robbed the cave as it is of all it's resources), ...and I fell down a drop.. I survived but I fixed a connection to the stairs, and went exploring, found a few things but continued where the stairs led off, right down to bedrock. Guess I have another mine system!

I did find several diamonds however and some gold! I found the gold first on the way down, but had no iron pick to get it having lost everything earlier. Then I found the diamonds, lots of them (all close together) but again had no iron pick to get them. No matter which way I mined I just could NOT find any iron! Eventually a tunnel off the main route on level 14 led me to some and I was able to recover gold and said Diamond. Even though I lost all I had on me, including lots of cobblestone, (Even though I have many chests more), it felt worthwhile doing that mining with what I came back with - all diamond tools again. been a while.

Ill make a few buckets or use some (If I already have them, probably do), and just bucket off the lava from the top. Now why didn't I just do this in the first place?!

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Clearing Things Up/HARDCORE!

The last post of November! Seeing as I started to late I'm glad I'mat least glad I've managed to get several posts in.

 AllBases - I'm gonna get this out the way first and foremost, I'm having a small break. I had one of those moments - you go out adventuring, gather almost a stack of wool (Enough to finish the first floor ceiling), then die. I had a quick snooze in my bed, and went back out but I couldn't for the life of me find where I died, I lost everything. I carried on however. Found a dozen+ pumpkins! making my way back as it turned dark - I died - again. Little moments like that where you loose everything are enough to make you rage quit. So I'm taking a few days break just to get mt bearings because it can be demoralizing.

World2 - In preparation for the release I'm going round fixing up all the little things that need doing, like fixing up the glass around the shower in the en-suite bathroom of the bedroom. (I changed it to glass panels - not a good idea). Changing the ceiling in said bathroom from stone, changing some of the slab half-steps outside to stone brick steps, growing grass to the bloggers board to create a little green space around it. And generally correcting any little things for the eventual release of this world.

Originally I wasn't sure what to do with a 1.0 world but I came up with an idea, so I deleted the old one to start a new Hardcore world! I've always wanted a home in a snow biome, so that's what I've done. At first my thoughts were - "Better not get to attached to the world though as I might eventually lose it",, however I will make it as nice as possible, it's more of an incentive to stay alive! I have a small hut in the show right now which will have a 2nd level, I also dug down from the front room, passed a shallow cave of the way down which houses a mushroom farm, though it has one large droop inside it, but goes to a dead end. This dead end is where the wheat farm is. Continuing down the stairs I have another "off stairs" room I hollowed out for a future storage room. The stairs already go to bedrock and I've begun a mine, so far I have plenty of gold, iron and Lapis.

here are the pics:

After this, I decided to keep showing the HUD/hotbar in the pictures as I realized you won't know if I was being honest, so to show I'm not cheating I'll include it in all pictures.

It's a bit of a cube right now, which I don't like, but I'll probably make the top floor bigger than the bottom floor so it overhangs by 1 or 2 blocks. I have the sand now for that last window also. :p This is my 1.0 challenge! Not doing to bad, had a few close moments but am on level 10 xp and when the last of the stone tools run out, they will be converted into iron tools. Due to mining last night, I now have a compass so I can go wandering, and a watch.

need to get back to StoneHolm, and do some stuff on that world too. I think in retrospect, the End portal never worked because it was an early pre-release world IE pre release 4 or 5. Would've love to have done it legit. Will keep expanding that home though.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

A Crazy Night!

I ended up spending more time on my world: AllBases last night and went exploring in another different direction I'd not been too. Came across plenty of sheep, so gathered even more wool for the ceiling and even managed to find some clay under the water on this particular shoreline. I ended up dying at the hands of a dozen mobs though. I headed in the general direction I went, sprinting a bit to try and recover my stuff and just when I thought I'd never find it again, I saw my stuff. I just managed to save it. Also in the evening, I put a log border along the top of the outline of the house, in-line with the wool ceiling. for a border between the bottom and top floor, and extended the last window out by 1 block like I had the others..

I also came across these guys!:

I had about 22 bones by then, although there was one dog who naturally had to take at least a dozen bones to tame!

Also this is after the devastation outside, There were quite a few creeps about who I was unlucky with. There was no damage to the house as such, just a couple of missing log and clay blocks but it was mainly to the ground just outside. In particular to the narrow grassy ledge just outside the front doors there, so I had to go shoveling to dirt to be able to get back into my house again! There was also damage to the stone stairs coming up the mountain.

I've been exploring again in the last hour and managed to get even more clay and wool, just under 2 stacks of clay blobs. So I finally finished the floor! Even though I've changed the floor at the kitchen end to sandstone. Almost, almost finished the wool ceiling too. So yeah, i started installing a kitchen just now and things are really starting to change inside instead of a big empty shell:

Just before I stopped to write this post, I began laying the wooden floor upstairs to prepare for the next level! There's only about 2 - 3 rows of wool left for the ceiling to do. I think eventually I will move the farm and make it more safe from mobs and animals. I need storage space as well, but as it's on an elevated ridge that's empty underneath I can't exactly have a "basement" as such. Maybe it'll have to go in a loft?

Looks like I'll be doing this for a while tonight.

Thursday, 24 November 2011


Although not THE 100th post, it is the 100th post for 2011 so as a little thank-you to those who are following this blog, I created a little permanent fixture on my old main world as a thank-you!:

I've decided what I might do with this:

Just behind the cobblestone boarder lining the stairs I might build walls up by creating stonebrick, nice solid flat stone-brick walls, so you wouldn't know it was a cave. It'll just look like a further extension, getting the cobble will be fine as I even out the walls, it's just having enough coal to turn it all into stone... It'd should look really nice though.

That's all I really have to posted, I just wanted to thank the followers of this blog as I hit the 100th post of 2011.

Also Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S.!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Expanding StrongHolm

So up to now I haven't really got the "buzz" about turning my stronghold into a home on my "StrongHolm" world, until yesterday..

I decided to finish of the library floor and restoring the library itself, and after completing it, there was a bit of a long 2 block high gap underneath that lead somewhere, so, I decided to follow it and see where it went.. To my surprise, the library that I pass now and then actually isn't that far away from the farm! Turns out at the other end of the mushroom corridor - it's just there, so I put a new door up for the library passage, so I wouldn't lose it again and a sign:

There's a bit of a cave around the library, and when I followed it round it leads to the wheat farm! So it's all inter-connected after all! What started out as just "finishing the floor" ended up with me spending a lot of time straightening cave walls and building a one block path with stairs connecting them all:

That square arch leads to the low bearing passage way I first mentioned. the steps on the left going up to the library.

A side bit also veers off towards the ravine:

It's still a bit ugly now, with cobblestone at the moment, and I need to put more steps in as some are still natural blocks, but I can always pretty it up later. Also when I went back up into the library and across it, I heard some zombie noises, so I dug into the walls where I thought they were. No zombies, but after hacking through the stone-brick wall I came out here:

This, is the main corridor at the top, it leads from the bottom of the steps from the surface to the farms, again all inter connected! So from the other side, I popped another door in and sign above denoting the library! I also came across a part of the stronghold I hadn't come across before, still etched in darkness. I explored, putting up torches as I went and found this odd room:

Where the light is round the corner is another door, it just goes back round on itself to the door you might/might not be able to see in the darkness on the right. As it was a fairly useless room, I just cleared it out into one big area:

I'm not sure what I'll use it for yet however. I also found another room just like it and cleared that too, so I have another two blank rooms. I might keep exploring see if I can find any other parts of the stronghold I've yet to encounter. I ended up spend quite a bit of time on the world that night, even fixing the stairs down that I made from the glass tower on the surface (Denoting the stronghold there), turning them from natural blocks into stairs by adding stone-brick stairs, It still twists oddly on the way down, but I also made it safe with columns to stop me falling over the edge of stairs.

I might stay on this for a little while and see what else I can do.

Also I noticed something the other day, although it's not my 100th post on this blog - it will be coming up to my 100th blog post for 2011 at least - and I've got a little something planned! You'll just have to wait and see however!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

NOT The End?

Well, I got my Ender pearls! (On StrongHolm.) The first one I got easily, the second was an accident - I was fighting of four/five mobs coming after me and outta nowhere a ninja Enderman jumped me! I just survived all the mobs and killed the Enderman, getting my second Ender pearl. After getting the third and fourth it was a while before getting the last one. At Last though, I had enough Ender pearls to make the last 9 Eyes of Ender I needed for opening the portal to the End.

Making the eyes of  Ender...


Nothing, nada. It didn't light WTF? What gives?!! I wondered if it was because I already had three in there, and whether I had to put them all in at once? Very disappointed, I don't get what happened, or rather - didn't. The trouble with this theory is, I then went to find a stronghold in my creative test world, and the portal already had an eye in there, when I filled the rest of slots, it lit.. Can you not go to The End in survival? Anyhow, I went to the End and killed the Ender-dragon, but it wasn't as satisfying as it would have been on survival. Here are my pics anyway:

I didn't transport to the middle of nowhere though, I awoke in my bead of a 1:1 scale house I built on that testing world. I guess now it's time to get as many materials as possible and start fixing up the stronghold. I've already began by fixing up the library which only had a partial floor due to creating on uneven ground. Am putting in a nice wooden floor. As for the story after the credits - it's okay, nicely written but other than that I don't really have any feelings either way.

Minecraft 1.0 - Official release.
Since last night, obviously Minecon is currently taking place and 1.0 has been released! I expect your wondering if I'm going to make a brand new world? No? Oh Well.  (j/k, j/k) Well I have, but I don't have any current plans for it, right now I want to concentrate on all those other worlds I posted about first. I've got a new one if I should wish to start one though, just chilling at an NPC village there at the moment.

For now I will continue to modify the Stronghold in my StrongHolm world, modernizing the house on World#3, continuing the apartments on my last main world. World#2 and the Allbases world.

If anyone has any thoughts or ideas on what went wrong with My End portal, please let me know by commenting below! Thanks.

Light changes..

 So as I plan a build (On my creative copy) for the horrible chunk error wall next tot the hotel at the Chunk Plaza development, i've be...

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